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Woking Borough Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
SHLAASJT004 SHLAASJT004 Corner Garage, 16-18 St John's Road, St John's, GU21 7SA 0.12 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.594 51.312) No planning history to date. 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASJT005 SHLAASJT005 Chancery House, 30 St Johns Road, St Johns, Woking, GU21 7SA 0.07 5 not owned by a public authority full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.593 51.313) PLAN/2016/1194 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ001 SHLAASTJ001 145 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LS 0.02 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.568 51.317) PLAN/2016/1194: Erection of a 3 storey building containing 5 self-contained (3x1 bed, 1x2 bed and 1x3 bed) flats˙ including associated landscaping and parking (amended plans and description) 2019-12-19 2019-12-19
SHLAASTJ002 SHLAASTJ002 113-129 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LR 0.32 55 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.567 51.317) No planning history to date. 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ003 SHLAASTJ003 Friar House and Works, Copse Road, Woking, GU21 8ST 0.07 8 not owned by a public authority permissioned POINT(-0.596 51.314) PLAN/2017/0324 prior approval application for 8 apartments withdrawn; PLAN/2018/0773 prior approval for 6 flats; PLAN/2017/0748 prior approval for 8 flats. Prior notification for change of use of an existing office (B1a use) to create 8 new flats (C3 use). 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ006 SHLAASTJ006 136 Kingsway, Woking, GU21 6NR 0.05 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.574 51.313) No planning history to date 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ008 SHLAASTJ008 10 Robin Hood Road, Hermitage, GU21 8SP 0.09 18 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.596 51.313) No planning history to date 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ009 SHLAASTJ009 The Print Works, St Johns Lye, Woking, GU21 7RS 0.07 14 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.595 51.312) No planning history to date 2019-12-19 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN003 SHLAACAN003 King's Court, Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HA yes 0.17 28 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-15 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2014/1263 under construction. PLAN/2016/0514 prior approval not required.. Demolition of two existing office buildings - Kings Court and Thomson House - and their replacement by a mixed use redevelopment over 8 floors, comprising 28 x 1 and 2- bedroom residential apartments and 9,264 m� GEA of new Class B1 office space, including and A1, A2, A3, B1 and D1 uses on the ground floor, together with associated access, parking and landscaping works. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN046 SHLAACAN046 Land at Albion House, High Street, Woking, GU21 6BD 0.2 50 not owned by a public authority full planning permission pending decision POINT(-0.557 51.319) PLAN/2017/0582 stated in DevelopmentDescription, pending decision. Full permission granted for PLAN/2015/0809 for changes to retail floorspace and other alterations. PLAN/2016/0388 for canopy/public realm permission.. Change of use and amalgamation of lower ground floor and ground floor of Unit 1 in use as a nightclub (sui generis) and part of unit 10-13 (A1/A2/A3) use to Drinking Establishments (A4) with associated external seating area; change of use of retail storage space (A1) to form 3x flats (1x one bed, 1x two bed and 1x three bed) (C3); change of use of ancillary nightclub space (sui generis) at first floor level associated with Unit 1 to office (B1); change of use of flat (1 x 3 bed) ancillary to nightclub space (sui generis) at first floor level associated with Unit 1 to form 1x 3 bed flat (C3); and associated external alterations. (Amended site address). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN005 SHLAACAN005 Victoria Square Development, Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6HD yes 1.59 390 mixed ownership 2015-03-26 full planning permission permissioned NetDwellingsRangeTo is based on the extant permission. Reference for planning history PLAN/2014/0014. Erection of new shops (10,967 sq.m. in Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A5) and medical or commercial floorspace (526 sq.m. in Use Classes D1, D2, B1 or A2). 190 bed hotel of 23 storeys (including plant) (95.5 metres) (Class C1) with conference facilities, basement level spa and gym. 392 residential apartments (Class C3) with Tower 1, 34 storeys (112 metres) and Tower 2, 30 storeys (100 metres).Construction of a new local energy centre at the Red Car Park, changes and extension to the Red and Yellow Car Park together with a new Green car park to provide 380 (net) new parking spaces. Creation of a new public square and new civic space and highway works including servicing to Wolsey Place and delivery provision. Closure of Cawsey Way and Church Street West, new all movements junction at Goldsworth Road/Victoria Way and High Street to be one way west with new bus stops and cycle lane. Demolition of the Fire Station, Globe House and part of the existing Wolsey Place Shopping centre (Boots unit - to be re-provided). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN022 SHLAACAN022 The Coign Church, Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6DJ yes 0.4 78 not owned by a public authority full planning permission permissioned References for planning history PLAN/2014/0941. An earlier application was withdrawn - the S106 Agreement not signed (ref PLAN/2013/1207). Min net dwellings of 78 is the net figure, rather than gross of 85 referred to in the Development Description.. Demolition of existing church building and associated community and residential properties and erection of a new class D1 community building of 2,948 metres square and 85 private residential dwellings; car parking; landscaping and public realm works. (Amended Description) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN021 SHLAACAN021 Spectrum House, 56 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6LE yes 0.08 12 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-18 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2017/1000 for 29 1bed units - Granted prior approval. PLAN/2016/1422 (Creation of additional storey to the roof to provide 8 flats (1 x studio and 7 x 1-bed 1-person) - permitted subject to legal agreement and installation of fire escape staircase; PLAN/2015/1002 (4No 2 bed and 8No 1 bed flats) - granted.. Prior notification for change of use of offices (Class B1) to dwelling (Class C3) - for conversion of existing office building to provide 29No 1 bed apartments. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHEA009 and SHLAAHEA010 SHLAAHEA009 and SHLAAHEA010 Backland gardens of houses facing Ash Road, Hawthorn Road, Willow Way and Laburnum Road (Barnsbury sites 1 & 2), Barnsbury Farm Estate, Woking GU22 0BN 1.9 55 mixed ownership 2006-06-23 permissioned Historic outline permissions PLAN/2006/0386 and PLAN/2006/0387. While this is mainly Council owned there are some private properties (through Right to Buy).. Erection of residential development of not more than 36 Affordable Housing dwellings (Outline Application considering Means of Access only) AND Erection of residential development of not more than 27 Affordable Housing dwellings (Outline Application considering Means of Access only) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHEA011 SHLAAHEA011 Backland gardens of houses facing Laburnum Road, Ash Road and Ash Close (Barnsbury Site 3), Barnsbury, Woking GU22 0BU 0.3 12 mixed ownership 2006-06-23 permissioned Reference for planning history PLAN/2006/0388. While this is mainly Council owned there are some private properties (through Right to Buy).. Erection of residential development of not more than 13 Affordable Housing dwellings (Outline Application considering Means of Access) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE004 SHLAAHOE004 Elmbridge House, 18 Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield Woking GU22 9AW 0.19 10 not owned by a public authority 2008-09-05 full planning permission permissioned References for planning history: PLAN/2008/0630; PLAN/2011/0255; and PLAN/2014/0880. Demolition of existing office block and erection of 6 x four bedroom houses and 4 x three bedroom houses with associated parking and landscaping. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN026 SHLAACAN026 Land within Sheerwater Priority Place, Albert Drive, Woking GU21 5RE yes 33 250 mixed ownership 2016-07-27 full planning permission permissioned Reference PLAN/2015/1260 (current permission).. Hybrid planning application (part outline, part full planning application): for the demolition of 576 residential units, existing non-residential buildings and sports facilities and redevelopment of the site to be implemented in phases with the associated engineering works to provide a mixed-use development comprising: up to 922 residential units (Class C3), 62 units (Class C2), up to 1,110sqm community/youth centre and up to 600sqm nursery/children's centre (Class D1), up to 5,478sqm Leisure Centre (Class D2), 1,650sqm retail (flexible use within Class A1 and/or A2 and/or A3 and/or A4 and/or A5), up to 416sqm health centre (Class D1), an artificial grass pitch (AGP), with spectator seating, erection of sports amenity lighting, improvements to Bishop David Brown School playing fields, a new substation, formation of car park including bus/coach drop-off area, hard and soft landscaping and open space with a multi-use games area (MUGAs) and a skate park, reconfigured and new vehicular and pedestrian accesses and works to the public highway and associated works; including full planning application for detailed first phase comprising: demolition of 5 residential units, 903sqm of ancillary buildings at Bishop David Brown School and existing athletics track and construction of 92 residential units (11no. 2-bed units, 39no. 3-bed units, 39no. 4-bed units and 3no. 5-bed units), 5,478sqm Leisure Centre (Class D2), an artificial grass pitch (AGP) with spectator seating, erection of sports amenity lighting, improvements to Bishop David Brown School playing fields, a new substation, formation of car park including bus/coach drop off area, with hard and soft landscaping and open space, reconfigured and new vehicular and pedestrian access and works to the public highway. (AMENDED DESCRIPTION AND AMENDED/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECEIVED 07.12.15, 10.12.15, 25.02.16, 03.03.16, 04.03.16, 29.03.16 AND 06.05.16) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN016 SHLAACAN016 101-121 Chertsey Road, Woking GU21 5BW yes 0.39 104 not owned by a public authority full planning permission pending decision 111 Chertsey Road: PLAN/2017/0800 prior notification for 27 flats; PLAN/2015/0765 permission for office development. Waterman House: PLAN/2012/0461 for 5 storey office building.. At 111 Chersey Road - Prior notification for a proposed change of use of offices (B1) to dwellings (C3) - conversion of existing office building into residential to provide 27No. apartments (24No. x 1 bed and 3No. x 2 bed). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAMHM008 SHLAAMHM008 St Dunstans, White Rose Lane, Woking GU22 7AG yes 0.21 91 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-31 full planning permission permissioned As well as the 2016 permission ( PLAN/2016/1064), which is subject to legal agreement, there are 2012 and 2017 applications: PLAN/2012/0063 outline permission for 91 flats, 161sqm of A1 retail floor space, permitted subject to legal agreement; and PLAN/2017/0644 for 147 flats and other uses, which is pending decision, and includes Owen House, part of a neighbouring site.. Erection of a seven to eleven storey building comprising 107x self-contained flats (79x one bed & 28x two bed) and 402sqm of commercial floorspace in flexible A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant/caf�) and D2 (gymnasium) use plus basement car parking level and associated landscaping and public realm works. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAMHM009 SHLAAMHM009 Owen House, The Crescent, Heathside Crescent and White Rose Court, Heathside Crescent, Woking GU22 7AG 0.1 20 not owned by a public authority full planning permission pending decision Reference PLAN/2017/1108 (pending consideration).. Prior approval for the demolition of a two storey office building. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB021 SHLAABWB021 Car Park to east of Enterprise House, Station Approach, West Byfleet KT14 6NW/ KT14 6PA yes 0.05 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-10-14 permissioned PLAN/2011/0945 - permitted subject to legal agreement. PLAN/2007/0028 for retail and office.. Outline planning application (access, appearance, layout and scale only) for the erection of a four storey building containing a retail unit at ground floor with 12 flats above. (amended description) (amended plans). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB009 SHLAABWB009 85 Chertsey Road, Byfleet, KT14 7AU yes 0.21 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-25 full planning permission permissioned Current permission PLAN/2016/0748 subject to legal agreement. Demolition of the existing building (use class B8) and the erection of five dwellings (2 bed) with associated landscaping and parking (use class C3). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB019 SHLAABWB019 Phoenix House, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet KT14 6RA 0.12 10 not owned by a public authority 2011-03-28 full planning permission permissioned Expired permission PLAN/2010/1116; unimplemented.. Renewal of planning permission ref: PLAN/2007/1234 for the erection of 14 x one and two bedroom flats in one 3/4 storey block with associated car parking following demolition of existing offices. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN012 SHLAACAN012 Garages adj. to 28-30 Albert Drive, Woking GU21 5LA 0.19 6 owned by a public authority 2006-06-23 permissioned Historic outline permission PLAN/2006/0473 (for means of access only). Erection of a residential development on 0.2 hectares site to provide affordable housing dwellings (Outline application considering means of access only) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN014 SHLAACAN014 Garage at 74-76 Maybury Road, Woking GU21 5JD yes 0.11 10 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-11 full planning permission permissioned Current permission PLAN/2016/1192 subject to legal agreement. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4 rather than the current permission.. Erection of part three storey, part four storey building to provide 32no. apartments with basement car park and vehicular access 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN019 SHLAACAN019 Woking Liberal Club, 23-27 Walton Road, Woking GU21 5DL yes 0.07 10 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-14 full planning permission permissioned Current permission PLAN/2016/0105 subject to legal agreeement. Construction of a new 4 storey building containing: 10 flats, a D1 unit at ground floor, associated car parking, refuse and cycle storage. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAACAN023 SHLAACAN023 26 and 28 Monument Road, Woking GU21 5LT yes 0.04 8 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-28 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2014/0762 permitted subject to legal agreement. Demolition of existing properties and erection of a 3 storey mixed use scheme comprising ground floor commercial (A1, A2 or A3) and parking with 2 floors of residential above (3 x 2 beds and 5 x 1 beds flats) (amendment to PLAN/2013/0574 to allow the ground floor to be used for A3 use). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHEA032 SHLAAHEA032 Garages to the rear of 7 - 21 Hawthorn Road, Woking GU22 9PT yes 0.16 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-05 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2015/0379 permitted subject to legal agreement. Small part of site in flood zones 2 & 3.. Demolition of existing redundant garages and erection of 5no 4 bedroom new houses in two blocks of 2 and 3 houses respectively (amended plans). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE006 SHLAAHOE006 Land adj. to 134 High Street, Old Woking GU22 9JN yes 0.06 9 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-04 full planning permission permissioned Northern section of site PLAN/2014/1315 for 3 flats; AND southern section of the site PLAN/2014/1411 for 6 flats, both permitted subject to S106 agreement; PLAN/2016/0761 Variation to Unilateral Undertaking to vary the terms of the obligation for Affordable Housing and SAMM (PLAN/2014/1411). Erection of one building comprising six flats, car parking and landscaping. AND Change of use of restaurant and ancillary accommodation (A3) to dwellings (C3) to create 1No studio flat and 2No 2 bedroom flats and insertion of windows into east side elevation. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE12 SHLAAHOE12 Grosvenor Court, Hipley Street, Old Woking GU22 9LP yes 0.23 9 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-13 full planning permission permissioned Prior approval granted PLAN/2017/0545 for 19 flats; also PLAN/2017/0017 for 18 flats. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4 rather than the current prior approval.. Prior notification for change of use of offices (Class B1) to dwelling (Class C3) - conversion of existing office building into residential to provide 19no. apartments (12no. x 1 bed and 7no. x 2 bed). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAMHM004 SHLAAMHM004 Land at Bradfield Close and 7 York Road, Woking GU22 7QD 1.32 46 not owned by a public authority full planning permission pending decision PLAN/2016/0834 pending decision. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a six storey building comprising 46x self-contained flats (26x one bed & 20x two bed), including 30x off-street parking spaces at basement level and associated landscaping (amended plans and description) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ010 SHLAASTJ010 Land r/o 143 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LS yes 0.13 8 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.568 51.318) PLAN/2015/0446 appeal allowed.. Erection of 6 No 3 storey dwellings and 2No 2 storey dwellings with associated hard and soft landscaping. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB020 SHLAABWB020 Domus Sheerwater Road, West Byfleet KT14 6AA 0.18 7 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB023 SHLAABWB023 Telephone Exchange, Highfield Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6QU 0.39 35 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date. Unlikely to be available. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB026 SHLAABWB026 Roxburghe House, Lavender Park Road, West Byfleet KT14 6LD yes 0.07 27 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-05 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2015/0869 Prior approval, implemented. Also PLAN/2016/0045 for 5 duplex apartments permitted (on 2016-10-03) subject to legal agreeement. Prior approval for the conversion of Offices (Class B1a) to residential (Class C3) comprising 22no (1-bed units) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB031 SHLAABWB031 Rosemount House, Rosemount Avenue, West Byfleet, KT14 6LB 0.35 11 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date. The min net dwelling figure is very much a lower estimate for this site, and is based on the lower range density given in the SHLAA Methodology Appendix 4. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE009 SHLAAHOE009 Garages at Davos Close, Woking, GU21 7SL 0.08 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE17 SHLAAHOE17 Land behind 27-61 Elmbridge Lane, Woking, GU22 9AN 0.67 20 not owned by a public authority not permissioned PLAN/2014/0927 application withdrawn 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAKNA003 SHLAAKNA003 BT Telephone Exchange, Bagshot Road, Brookwood/Knaphill, GU21 2RP 0.26 18 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAMHM013 SHLAAMHM013 Telephone Exchange, Station Approach/White Rose Lane/Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 7UY 0.25 79 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ007 SHLAASTJ007 Garages and 70-96 Sutton Avenue, Hermitage, GU21 8TS 1.1 27 mixed ownership not permissioned No planning history to date. While this is mainly Council owned there are some private properties (through Right to Buy). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE13 SHLAAHOE13 London House, 134, High Street, Old Woking, GU22 9JN yes 0.04 2 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-04 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2014/1411 permitted subject to legal agreement. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4.. Erection of one building comprising six flats, car parking and landscaping. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAHOE14 SHLAAHOE14 The Old Brew House, 130 - 132, High Street, Old Woking, GU22 9JN yes 0.05 2 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-15 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2017/0139 permitted subject to legal agreement. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4.. Change of use and subdivision of vacant hair and beauty salon (A1 use) to 6x one bedroom flats (C3 use), erection of a part two storey, part three storey rear extension, insertion of side and rear-facing rooflights, enlargement of rear dormer windows, removal of rear dormer window, reconfiguration of parking area and associated landscaping, bin and cycle storage (AMENDED PLANS) 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAKNA011 SHLAAKNA011 Highclere House, 5 High Street, Knaphill, GU21 2PG yes 0.05 8 not owned by a public authority 2013-11-18 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2013/0974 - Prior Approval approved. Prior approval for conversion of offices (B1) to residential (C3) comprising of 8no 1 bedroom flats. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAAMHM011 SHLAAMHM011 7 - 9 Hill View Road, Woking, GU22 7NH 0.13 12 not owned by a public authority not permissioned PLAN/2012/0338 dismissed at appeal Erection of a three storey building containing 12 x 2 bedroom apartments with associated access, parking and amenity space following demolition of existing dwellings. Surface water management plan flood risk in the north of the site. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAASTJ011 SHLAASTJ011 D W Burns, Roydon House, Triggs Lane, Woking, GU21 7PL 0.05 2 not owned by a public authority pending decision PLAN/2017/0666 pending decision. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4 rather than the pending decision.. Demolition of existing two storey retail building and ancillary buildings (A1) and erection of a two storey building comprising 7x self contained flats (C3) (3x one bed and 4x two bed) with ancillary facilities and new vehicular access (amended plans). 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB005 SHLAABWB005 94-100 Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QE 0.64 87 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB006 SHLAABWB006 Works at 11 Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7NX 0.34 46 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB007 SHLAABWB007 Wey Retail Park, Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7NY 0.87 65 not owned by a public authority not permissioned No planning history to date. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20
SHLAABWB008 SHLAABWB008 Churchill House and Beaver House, York Close, Byfleet, KT14 7HN 0.16 6 not owned by a public authority 2014-03-28 full planning permission permissioned PLAN/2013/0654 permitted and detailed in DevelopmentDescription. Also PLAN/2012/0998 for 11 units. In this case, the min net dwellings is based on indicative density from the SHLAA Methodology 2017 Appendix 4 rather than the current permission.. Proposed erection of 3No 4 Bedroom, 8No 3 Bedroom and 1No 2 bedroom dwelling houses along with associated work at Sapphire House, York Close, Byfleet KT14 7HN. 2017-12-20 2017-12-20

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