Brownfield land
name | reference | site-address | deliverable | hazardous-substances | hectares | MinNetDwellings | minimum-net-dwellings | maximum-net-dwellings | ownership-status | planning-permission-date | planning-permission-type | planning-permission-history | planning-permission-status | site-plan-url | point | notes | OrganisationLabel | organisation | entry-date | start-date | end-date |
16/01796/FULL | 16/01796/FULL | Queen Anne's Gate Buildings 29-35 Old Queen Street London SW1H 9JA | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | 2016-07-08 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.13113 51.500674) | Use of the building to provide 16 self-contained flats and associated external alterations including remodelling of existing mansard, creation of a roof extension, associated plant and roof terrace and replacement of windows.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/02091/FULL | 16/02091/FULL | Hathaway House 7D Woodfield Road London W9 2BA | 0.26 | 0 | 0 | 2017-02-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.1994 51.522505) | Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide buildings of G+4 and G+13 storeys, providing a mixed use development comprising flexible office use (Class B1) and Healthcare (Class D1), and 74 residential units (including 19 affordable units), with associated basement car parking, cycle parking and hard and soft landscaping.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/02343/FULL | 16/02343/FULL | Development Site At 16, 18-25 & 26 Park Crescent And 77 - 81 Portland Place London | 0.96 | 0 | 0 | 2016-12-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.147194 51.522736) | DEVELOPMENT SITE AT 16, 18-25 & 26 PARK CRESCENT & 77-81 PORTLAND PLACE- Demolition and redevelopment of 16 Park Crescent, 18-25 Park Crescent, 26 Park Crescent and partial demolition of 77-81 Portland Place including reinstatement of Grade I listed Park Crescent facade to create [76] residential units and [1910 sqm] D1 floorspace. Creation of [9] new mews properties within rear courtyard at Park Crescent Mews. Car parking and associated servicing, access and landscaping.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/02747/FULL | 16/02747/FULL | 4 - 6 St Edmund's Terrace London NW8 7QP | 0.04 | 0 | 0 | 2017-01-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.161109 51.53692) | Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a six storey building comprising 9 self contained apartments, single storey basement level car parking, the provision of internal plant, cycle, refuse and recycling storage and the provision of roof level photovoltaic panels and green and sedum roofs.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/03666/FULL | 16/03666/FULL | Development Site At 12-14 St Vincent Street, 4 Blandford St And 111 - 117 Marylebone High Street London W1U 4RZ | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | 2016-09-13 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.151914 51.518665) | Erection of a single storey mansard roof extension above No's 2 and 4 Blandford Street and the corner building of 111 Marylebone High Street, second floor infill extension on St Vincent Street and the rear extensions at second and third floor levels projecting into the internal courtyard. Installation of balconies on the rear elevations, alterations to fenestration and creation of a shared external amenity space within the courtyard area at first floor level and installation of new plan and associated works, all in conjunction with works to combine and to combine two residential blocks to enable the reconfiguration of 24 existing units and to provide an additional 7 residential units (site includes 111-117 Marylebone High Street, 14 St Vincent Street and 2-8 Blandford Street).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/05216/FULL | 16/05216/FULL | Westminster Fire Station 4 Greycoat Place London SW1P 1SB | 0.08 | 0 | 0 | 2017-05-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.134078 51.496593) | Use of the Fire Station (ground floor) as Class A3 and (four upper floors) as Class C3 use (6 flats) with associated internal and external alterations. Demolition of the existing rear buildings and replacement with a five storey residential building to provide 11 flats with balconies, excavation of one storey basement under the entire footprint of the site to accommodate A3 use and residential use. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof level of rear building. Rebuilding of the existing rear tower with installation of plant on top.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/05704/FULL | 16/05704/FULL | 4 Stanhope Gate London W1J 7FY | 0.07 | 0 | 0 | 2018-05-02 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.151121 51.506557) | DEVELOPMENT SITE 4 & 5-6 STANHOPE GATE/18A CURZON STREET: Variation of condition 1, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 16 of planning permission dated 01 June 2015 (RN: 14/10352/FULL) for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site (retaining front facades of 5-6 Stanhope Gate) to provide a building comprising 20 residential units on lower ground, ground and first to fifth floors on the Stanhope Gate frontage and lower ground, ground and first to part seventh/part eighth floors on the Curzon Street frontage (including plant at part eighth floor level and roof terraces at sixth/seventh/eighth floor levels); includes excavation to provide part sub-basement and three basement levels (in addition to lower ground floor) for residents' leisure facility and other ancillary uses (car and cycle parking and mechanical plant); alterations to existing access on Curzon Street (including entrance to new car lift) and associated works. NAMELY, to vary the approved drawings numbers to allow the internal configuration of apartments and introduction of 5 additional units to allow a range of 20-25 residential units, revised mix of units, alterations to window screens on Stanhope Gate and Curzon Street elevations, alterations to ground floor of Curzon street elevation, realignment of Curzon street façade at level 7 to create a connection between terraces, alterations to light well elevations, revised chimney locations, revised car and cycle parking layout, internal reconfiguration of leisure facilities, and alterations to car lift access highway arrangement. (Linked to 16/05703/LBC).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/06449/FULL | 16/06449/FULL | 19 - 21 Catherine Place London SW1E 6DX | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 2017-02-28 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.141131 51.499241) | Change of use of buildings to provide six 1 bedroom self contained residential units and a 5 bedroom single dwellinghouse (Class C3). Removal of roof above an internal lightwell, rear infill basement extension. External alterations including the installation of new entrance door to the front elevation of No. 21 Catherine Place and the replacement of windows with double glazed units.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/06616/FULL | 16/06616/FULL | Ergon House Horseferry Road London SW1P 2AL | 0.15 | 0 | 0 | 2017-04-07 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.126726 51.494956) | Construction of residential building on the site of Ergon House of nine storeys above ground to provide up to 108 residential units, provision of ground floor level retail unit (Class A1) and associated basement works, Deed of Variation to the S106 legal agreement for planning permission 13/09737/FULL in order to apply relevant provisions to this current application. (9 Millbank and The Gatehouse, Dean Bradley Street and demolition of Ergon House to be implemented under planning permission reference 13/09737/FULL).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/08454/FULL | 16/08454/FULL | 1-4 Bear Street And 47-48 Cranbourn Street London WC2H 7AR | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 2017-08-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.129048 51.511054) | Demolition of existing building and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising basement, ground and six upper floors. Use of basement, ground and first floors for restaurant purposes (Class A3), with ticket booth (Class A1) at ground floor level to Cranbourn Street. Use of upper floors as nine self-contained residential flats.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/09212/FULL | 16/09212/FULL | 7 Park Crescent London W1B 1PQ | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 2017-06-13 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.144796 51.52357) | Use of the building as seven (7) residential flats, insertion of roof lights and courtyards to lower ground floor level, secondary glazing to the front elevation at lower ground, ground and first floors, and replacement windows to the rear elevation at ground, first and mezzanine levels, together with associated internal alterations, plant, waste and cycle storage, and hard landscaping to the rear. Linked to land use swap with Macintosh House, Beaumont Street (RN16/09208/FULL). (Linked to 16/09213/LBC). | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/10056/FULL | 16/10056/FULL | Macdonald House 1 - 3 Grosvenor Square London W1K 4BN | 0.25 | 0 | 0 | 2017-03-03 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.149733 51.511661) | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission dated 16 March 2016 (RN 15/07800/FULL) for the demolition and redevelopment to provide three basement levels, lower ground, ground and first to seventh floor levels to provide between 43-48 residential units (Class C3) with associated ancillary leisure facilities, car parking, cycle parking, mechanical plant and associated works within the basement levels. Creation of terraces and balconies at various levels and installation of photovoltaic panels and plant with associated screening at main roof level. Use of part of the lower ground and ground floor levels as a restaurant unit fronting Grosvenor Street (Class A3). NAMELY, to vary the approved drawing numbers to reduce the amount of excavation and remove basement levels Two and Three from the development and relocate amenities, car parking spaces and plant to basement level One; minor internal alterations and alterations to the fenestration, railings and bridge structure on the Grosvenor Square frontage.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/12027/FULL | 16/12027/FULL | 33 Seymour Place London W1H 5AP | 0.06 | 0 | 0 | 2017-06-06 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.161739 51.515573) | Erection of a two storey roof extension on the northern building for use as five residential flats, with associated terraces at third and new fourth and on the flat roof of the southern building; erection of extensions at rear first to new fourth floor to accommodate the new residential access and creation of a new ground floor entrance door in Seymour Place; new plant room at rear first floor level and internal alterations.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/12210/FULL | 16/12210/FULL | Calpe House 47 Princes Square London W2 4PX | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 2017-02-15 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.191543 51.513428) | Use of building as five residential flats (Use Class C3). Associated works including alterations to windows and doors at ground and lower ground floor level.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/12254/FULL | 16/12254/FULL | 30-31 Leinster Square London W2 4NQ | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 2018-03-09 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.191301 51.51409) | Use of building as 9 residential flats (Class C3) including renovations to front and rear facades and windows, erection of rear two storey lightweight infill extensions at basement and ground floor levels, alteration to rear parapet height, excavation of rear garden to provide lightwells, structural alterations to lower level of existing front vaults, internal refurbishments to all floors, restoration of original and secondary staircases, reinstatement of ground to basement stair flight, reuse of existing roof level water tank room as plant room and restoration of existing butterfly roofs.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
16/12291/FULL | 16/12291/FULL | St Johns Wood Barracks Ordnance Hill London NW8 6PT | 2.35 | 0 | 0 | 2017-08-08 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.172754 51.536347) | Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission dated 2 April 2015 (RN: 14/08070/FULL) for Demolition of existing Barracks buildings (except for the listed Riding School) and redevelopment for residential use (Class C3) to provide a total of 163 units including 59 affordable units . Use of the listed Riding School as private ancillary leisure facility with internal and external alterations. Provision of Class A1/A3 retail units and Class D1 at ground level at 1 - 7 Queen's Terrace, redevelopment behind the retained front facade and the erection of a mansard roof extension ,creation of landscaped areas and reconfigured vehicular and pedestrian access together with associated works including the provision of parking, circulation space, servicing and plant area and use of the listed Riding School as a private ancillary leisure facility, associated internal and external alterations, new side extension and the excavation of a lower ground floor beneath the Riding School. Namely to allow changes to list of approved plans to allow increase in residential units from 163 units to 171 units (increase in market housing) with associated change in unit mix, realignment of Block 4 to allow changes to The Avenue; amend Block 4 from houses to apartment building (retention of three villas on Avenue), reduction in extent and depth of basement excavation,reconfiguration of and increase in parking spaces by 14, alterations to facades and roofs of blocks 7 and 8 and alterations to landscaping plan (Application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/01162/FULL | 17/01162/FULL | 1 Gerrard Place London W1D 5PA | 0.04 | 0 | 0 | 2017-09-18 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.130525 51.5123) | Use of the second - fourth floors of the existing building to Class C3 (residential) use to form 9 residential units, two storey rear infill extension at second, third and fourth floors with fourth floor roof terrace at rear of 1 Gerrard Place, shear fourth floor infill extension fronting onto Horse and Dolphin Yard, installation of plant enclosure and use of part of existing flat roof as a terrace at main rear flat roof, removal of existing roof lift enclosure and restoration of original roof profile, construction of new roof access, replacement of all existing windows, creation of a green roof at first floor roof level, formation of a new plant area at first floor roof level.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/02394/FULL | 17/02394/FULL | 87A St John's Wood Terrace London NW8 6PP | 0.07 | 0 | 0 | 2019-03-27 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.16961 51.5353) | Alterations and extensions, including demolition and reconstruction of rear extensions, excavation of basement floor, removal of tree, alterations to front boundary wall, installation of mechanical plant, erection of cupola at roof level, use of part of garden to rear of No.8 Ordnance Hill, and internal works to all floor levels in connection with the use of the building as five residential apartments (2x3 bed, 2x2 bed, and 1x1 bed flats).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/02520/FULL | 17/02520/FULL | 17a, 17B And 18 Three Kings Yard London W1K 4JT | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 2017-06-20 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.149394 51.512195) | Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide a five storey building consisting of lower ground, ground and first to fourth floor levels to provide 10 residential units (comprising of 3 x 1 bedroom flats, 4 x 2 bedroom flats and 3 x 3 bedroom flats) including balconies/terraces with associated car and cycle parking.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/04239/FULL | 17/04239/FULL | Lords View One St John's Wood Road London NW8 7HJ | 0.35 | 0 | 0 | 2017-07-31 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.170735 51.528824) | Erection of 2 storey roof extension to accommodate 4 additional apartments (Class C3) including terraces and green roofs. Associated works to include refurbishment of the existing exterior and internal common parts, replacement lifts and landscaping in connection with the provision of additional parking spaces.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/04311/FULL | 17/04311/FULL | 382-386 Edgware Road London W2 1EB | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 2017-09-26 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.171943 51.521694) | Construction of a part two, part three storey extension to the existing building incorporating green roofs and a terrace; basement excavation and external facade alterations in association with the provision of four retail units at ground floor level, 7 residential units and additional office (Class B1) floorspace.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/06096/FULL | 17/06096/FULL | 118 - 124 Ebury Street London SW1W 9QQ | 0.03 | 0 | 0 | 2017-10-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.150594 51.493248) | Use of existing hotel and guest house (Use Class C1) at 118 and 120 Ebury Street to residential use (Use Class C3), and the internal reconfiguration of the existing residential uses (Use Class C3) at 122 and 124 Ebury Street. External alterations to the front and rear facades, re-instatement of front vaults and front lightwells, single storey extensions at lower ground floor, infill ground floor extension to 124 Ebury Street and other associated works. Linked to 17/06097/LBC. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/06180/COFUL | 17/06180/COFUL | Keith House 47 Carlton Vale London NW6 5EX | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2018-01-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.191642 51.532026) | Demolition of single storey garages and erection of two buildings ranging between one and three storeys to provide 6 residential units (Class C3), with associated alterations and landscaping.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||
17/06181/COFUL | 17/06181/COFUL | Helmsdale House 43 Carlton Vale London NW6 5EN | 0.07 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2018-01-16 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.189944 51.532315) | Demolition of single storey garages and erection of buildings ranging between two and four storeys to provide 6 residential units (Class C3), with associated alterations and landscaping.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||
17/06469/P3JPA | 17/06469/P3JPA | 6 London Street London W2 1HL | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 2017-09-18 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.174781 51.515614) | Change of use from office (Class B1a) to residential (Class C3) on lower ground (part of), first, second, first, second, third and attic storeys to create 12 flats.). | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/07273/FULL | 17/07273/FULL | Harcourt House 19A Cavendish Square London W1G 0PL | 0.16 | 0 | 0 | 2017-10-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.145961 51.516179) | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission dated 21 February 2017 ( RN 16/07989/FULL) for refurbishment of existing building, including demolition works and alterations to the rear, installation of services at new basement level, removal of roof plant and erection of roof extension at main roof level in connection with the use of part lower ground and part ground floor levels for Class D1 use and 25 residential apartments (Class C3) at part lower ground to seventh floor levels. Balconies from third to sixth floor level to the rear with terraces and plant located within an acoustic enclosure at lower ground floor level and other minor external alterations to the front facade; NAMELY, to vary the approved drawings to facilitate the installation of a MRI Quench pipe; formation of opening in front lightwell to facilitate the creation of a MRI & CT scanner access doors; changes to the layout of the medical space; reconfiguration of the external air conditioning acoustic enclosure; relocation of the green roof from the roof terrace to the roof of the penthouse units; landscaping works to first floor courtyard; amendment to fourth floor balconies, and associated internal and external alterations.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/07368/FULL | 17/07368/FULL | 2 Lord Hills Road London W2 6PD | 0.04 | 0 | 0 | 2017-11-15 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.188072 51.521729) | Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of four storey building with basement to provide 7 residential units (Class C3).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/09368/FULL | 17/09368/FULL | Old War Office Whitehall London SW1A 2EU | 1.02 | 0 | 0 | 2018-03-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.125422 51.505645) | Variation of Conditions 1, 13, 16, 7(a), 9, 38 and removal of Condition 40 of planning permission dated 10 July 2017 (16/09548/FULL) for alterations to the existing building including creation of new entrances; alterations to bottle balustrades & parapets; extensions to create three additional storeys; two additional basement storeys; partial demolition & reconstruction of the central wing; demolition, reconstruction & extensions to the Triangular Courtyard facades; external alterations to Quadrangle facades; creation of external terraces at fourth, fifth, sixth & seventh floor levels; addition of entrance canopies; alterations to security walls & bollards & the removal & replacement of street trees; all in connection with change of use from offices (Class 81) to a hotel (Class C1) comprising up to 125 hotel bedrooms/suites with flexible hotel/retail/restaurant/bar use at part ground floor (Class C1/A1/A3/A4), flexible hotel/restaurant use at part lower ground, part ground & part second floors (Class C1/A3); flexible hotel/bar use at part fifth & part sixth floors (Class C1/A4); flexible retail, leisure, restaurant or bar use at part ground floor (Class A1/D2/C1/A3/A4), leisure/spa facilities within the basement levels & part lower ground floor (Class D2/C1) ancillary ballroom, event space & meeting rooms, food & beverage facilities, back of house facilities & associated car & cycle parking & servicing facilities; creation of up to 88 residential dwellings (Class C3) with ancillary communal amenities, & associated car parking, cycle parking & servicing facilities; NAMELY a reduction in residential dwellings (Class C3) from up to 88 to up to 85; amendments to the Quadrangle & Triangular Courtyard; additional excavation to create up to two additional basement storeys; additional roof level plant; & associated external alterations. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/09561/P3JPA | 17/09561/P3JPA | 127 Shirland Road London W9 2EP | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 2017-12-22 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.193597 51.526724) | Conversion of the B1(a) offices at 127 Shirland Road to C3 residential dwellings. The proposal converts the existing offices delivering 5 flats (3 x 1 bed, 2 x 2 bed). Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/09583/FULL | 17/09583/FULL | 9-12 Bell Yard London WC2A 2JR | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 2018-04-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.111772 51.514455) | Use of building as 12 residential units (Class C3), demolition of fourth floor mansard roof and front façade, replacement fourth floor extension and new fifth floor mansard roof extension above, new front façade, associated alterations to elevations and works to a listed party wall.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/09802/FULL | 17/09802/FULL | 14 Wimpole Street London W1G 9SX | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 2019-04-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.147792 51.517592) | Demolition of mews building and lower ground and ground floor rear extensions. Erection of replacement mews building on lower, ground and first floors to provide a four bedroom dwellinghouse (Class C3), accessed from Wigmore Place. Erection of replacement lower ground and ground floor levels rear extension to the main building and use of lower ground, ground floor and first to fourth floors as 11 x flats (Class C3). Alterations to rear elevation including the installation of new windows (Land Use Swap with 60 Wimpole Street 17/09804/FULL).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/10151/FULL | 17/10151/FULL | 114-150 Queensway And 97-113 Inverness Terrace London W2 6LS | 0.41 | 0 | 0 | full planning permission | | pending decision | | POINT(-0.187572 51.513987) | Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising two basement levels, ground and five upper storeys for retail use at ground and part basement levels (Class A1 and flexible A1/A3) with up to 94 residential units (Class C3) on the upper floor levels with associated private amenity spaces, retail servicing access road with planted deck over to the rear, provision of 50 private residential and 36 public car parking spaces, cycle parking and associated basement level plant and servicing provision.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||||
17/10779/FULL | 17/10779/FULL | Dev Site At 221-235 Lanark Rd, Land To North Of 235 Lanark Rd And Land At Scottish Towers Maida Vale London W9 | 0.74 | 0 | 0 | 2018-06-14 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.187574 51.532098) | Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission dated 29 April 2016 (RN: 15/11007) for redevelopment of site spanning 221-235 Lanark Road and land to the north of 235 Lanark Road, involving demolition of existing buildings and erection part 3, part 4, part 5 storey building, plus lower ground floor, containing a community/sports building (Use Class D1/D2) and associated plant at the north end of the site, and 67 residential units (Class C3) (private and affordable) across the remainder of the site and across the top floor of the proposed community/sports building, together with car parking, landscaping and associated works. Reconfiguration of front curtilage of the Scottish Towers (Glasgow House, Falkirk House, Edinburgh House) to provide additional parking, re landscaping and associated works. Removal of existing trees and replacement tree planting; Namely to change the 6 private 3-bed duplex units at ground and lower ground level into into 12x2bedrooom units (7x 2bedroom private units and 5x2bedroom intermediate rent units), and associated external alterations.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/10968/COFUL | 17/10968/COFUL | Repeater Station 2 Ashbridge Street London NW8 8DS | 0.08 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2019-03-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.167301 51.52315) | Demolition of existing BT Repeater Station building, with retention of BT service area and associated access. Redevelopment of the site to erect a five storey building to provide 26 residential units, with existing basement floor used to provide parking, plant and services spaces accessed via a new ramp from Ashbridge Street. Removal of existing vehicular ramp to rear of site and provision of new landscaping to amenity space.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||
17/11306/FULL | 17/11306/FULL | Medical Centre 14 - 18 Newton Road London W2 5LT | 0.14 | 0 | 0 | 2018-06-07 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.190874 51.516511) | Extensions to the existing building at roof, ground and lower ground level in connection with the provision of 961 sq.m (GEA) Class D1 floorspace and 9 residential flats (Class C3), together with associated parking and landscaping.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
17/11404/COFUL | 17/11404/COFUL | Marylebone Institute School House 29 Cosway Street London NW1 6TH | 0.26 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2019-03-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.166425 51.521986) | Demolition of existing buildings and structures and erection of new building of up to five storeys plus basement floor to provide 49 residential units (Class C3); with car and cycle parking, storage and plant rooms at basement level and landscaping to central garden and site frontages and associated works.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||
18/01971/FULL | 18/01971/FULL | Development Site At North, South, Alexandra And Mews Buildings At Castle Lane And Palace Street London | 0.29 | 0 | 0 | 2019-02-06 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.1393 51.498187) | Alterations and extensions to the North, South, Alexandra and Mews Buildings (Castle Lane/Palace Street) for use as affordable housing (Class C3) comprising 86 units; including creation of balconies; construction of a cycle/bin store, lift and staircase to the rear of North Building; soft and hard landscaping including children's play area; cycle parking and other associated works (amendments to planning permission 12/02189/FULL). | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/05018/FULL | 18/05018/FULL | Development Site - Land At Harbet Road London W2 1JU | 0.58 | 0 | 0 | full planning permission | | pending decision | | POINT(-0.172819 51.519262) | Redevelopment comprising the erection of a 42 storey building (Building 1) and a 21 storey building (Building 6) above three basement levels. Use of buildings as 426 residential units (Class C3) (including 67 affordable housing units in Building 6), retail floorspace (Classes A1/ A2/ A3/ A4/ A5) and retail/leisure floorspace (Classes A1/ A2/ A3/ A4/ A5/ D2); provision of car parking, cycle parking, ancillary space, plant, servicing, highway works, hard and soft landscaping and other associated development. (This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||||
18/05929/FULL | 18/05929/FULL | 413-419 Harrow Road London W9 3QJ | 0.12 | 0 | 0 | 2019-09-27 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.204447 51.525398) | Redevelopment of the site to provide a 5 storey building comprising retail (Classes A1/A2) at ground floor and 19 residential units (Class C3) on the upper floors; provision of cycle parking, refuse storage, ancillary space, mechanical plant and other associated works incidental to the development.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/07737/FULL | 18/07737/FULL | 39 Hill Street London W1J 5LZ | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | 2019-03-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.149437 51.507933) | Alterations to all elevations of the property to include the installation of balconies and extended windows to create doors; installation of plant at main roof level and lower ground floor level; use of lower ground floor as 6 residential flats (Class C3) and reconfiguration of the existing residential units on the upper floors of the property; extension at lower ground floor level within the existing lightwell and at all floor levels on the Hay's Mews elevation; alterations at main roof level including the creation of an internal residential amenity space. (SITE INCLUDES 27A HAY'S MEWS). | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/08004/FULL | 18/08004/FULL | Development Site At 14 To 17 Paddington Green London | 0.36 | 0 | 0 | 2019-03-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.173254 51.520626) | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission dated 21 December 2017 (RN: 16/11562/FULL) for the Demolition and redevelopment of 14-16 Paddington Green; alteration and partial demolition of 17 Paddington Green; development of land to the east and south of 14-17 Paddington Green (part of site known as 'West End Green') to provide buildings ranging between 4 and 14 upper storeys to provide up to 200 residential units, with associated landscaping, basement car and cycle parking and servicing provision. NAMELY, to allow addition of one floor of residential accommodation to Block G and to parts of Block H to add 16 residential units and to reduce carbon offset payment to allow connection to Church Street District Heating Scheme.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/08036/P3JPA | 18/08036/P3JPA | Little Venice Estate Office 324 Harrow Road London W9 2HP | 0.03 | 0 | 0 | 2018-11-12 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.193338 51.522331) | Change of use from Use Class B1(a) offices to Use Class C3 residential, to provide 16 self-contained units, under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/08088/FULL | 18/08088/FULL | Land At 36 St John's Wood Road And 38-44 Lodge Road London | 0.65 | 0 | 0 | 2020-07-08 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.171048 51.528551) | Redevelopment of land at 36 St John's Wood Road to provide 89 residential units with extra care services and facilities, ancillary medical and rehabilitation facilities, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and the redevelopment of 38-44 Lodge Road for a 121 bed Care home and 12 affordable housing residential units along with landscaping, car and cycle parking.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/08414/FULL | 18/08414/FULL | 41 Abbey Road London NW8 0AA | 0.19 | 0 | 0 | 2019-04-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.181925 51.535626) | Demolition behind retained central bay facade and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising basement, lower ground, raised ground and three upper floors to provide an elderly care facility (Use Class C2) communal and welfare/medical areas, cycle storage, landscaping and tree works and associated works.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/08528/P3JPA | 18/08528/P3JPA | 26 Macroom Road London W9 3HY | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 2018-11-20 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.200074 51.529917) | Change of use from Office Use (B1(a)) to 6no. residential flats (Class C3). Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/09619/FULL | 18/09619/FULL | Grenadier House 99-105 Horseferry Road London SW1P 2DD | 0.15 | 0 | 0 | 2019-05-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.133388 51.495494) | Demolition and redevelopment of the site to provide a residential complex comprising 36 units of self-contained assisted living accommodation integrated with facilities including communal kitchen-cafe, storage areas, wellness centre/spa, guest accommodation, staff accommodation, staff offices, in two linked buildings of six storeys each, internal courtyard, roof terraces, excavation to create basement storage and 36 car parking spaces with access from Horseferry Road.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/09766/FULL | 18/09766/FULL | Queens Court Queensway London W2 4QN | 0.256 | 0 | 0 | 2022-05-11 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.187555 51.511163) | Erection of two storey roof extension to Queens Court to provide 26 residential units (Class C3) with associated works, waste and recycling storage ('Application 4').. | 2023-05-03 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
18/10340/FULL | 18/10340/FULL | Strathmore Court 143 Park Road London NW8 7HY | 0.12 | 0 | 0 | 2019-02-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.16795 51.52959) | Erection of three storey rear extension at fourth, fifth and sixth floor levels. Alterations to rear elevation and installation of terraces. Infill of lightwell at ground floor level. Alterations to roof dormers to provide access to terraces. Installation of rooftop plant equipment. Alterations and addition of windows and doors. All in association with the reconfiguration of existing flats and creation of nine additional dwellings (Class C3).. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 | |||||||
19/00026/COFUL | 19/00026/COFUL | Blomfield Mews London | 0.4035 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2020-06-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.184105 51.520363) | Demolition of 28 single storey garages and erection of replacement three storey buildings, with the exception of one building comprising four storeys fronting Warwick Crescent and two lower floors to connect with the mews, to provide 18 residential units comprising 4 dwellinghouses and 14 flats (Class C3), car parking spaces and waste and cycle storage. Reconfiguration of communal landscaping of gardens to the rear of Warwick Crescent including removal of 3 trees.. | 2023-05-03 | 2020-07-23 | ||||||
19/00153/FULL | 19/00153/FULL | 18B Charles Street London W1J 5DX | 0.03 | 0 | 0 | 2019-04-24 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-0.148078 51.507687) | Alterations including extensions at the rear of the property from basement to fourth floor level and erection of a mansard roof extension to the rear wing at third floor level and use of the property as five residential flats.. | 2020-07-23 | 2020-07-23 |
Showing rows 151 to 200 of 280