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Pendle Borough Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
BD072 BD072 Trough Laithe Farm yes 0.512 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-13 permissioned POINT(-2.2313 53.8472) Reserved Matters: Erection of 5 No. dwelling houses (Landscaping, Appearance and Scale) of Outline Permission 18/0389/OUT. 2024-12-03 2019-10-14 2024-12-03
BK045 BK045 Land at Kirkstall Drive, Barnoldswick yes 0.11 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2005-06-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1735 53.9209) Erection of 6 two-storey houses in three blocks Complete 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2019-12-17
BK090 BK090 Land to the rear of the Greyhound Pub, Manchester Road, Barnoldswick yes 0.22 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1882 53.9126) Full: Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping. Work has not started at this site. A further application at the site was dismissed at appeal. It is unclear as to the owners intentions. No Building Control records available. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form and indicated that they intend to start development within 1 year and complete it within 2-5 years. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
BK110 BK110 B Preston Joinery Works, Bank Street, Barnoldswick yes 0.034 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1839 53.9178) Full: Erection of 5 dwellings with associated curtilages, landscaping and parking area to side.Development at the site has not yet started. The demolition of the existing workshop building has now been carried out. No Building Control records available. Owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating they intend to start the development within 1 year and complete it within 2-5 years. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
BK115 BK115 Briercliffe Lodge, Rainhall Crescent, Barnoldswick yes 0.14 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-06-13 other not permissioned POINT(-2.1716 53.9199) Outline: Demolition of existing nursing home and construction of 5 dwelling houses in a terrace row (Access, Layout and Scale).No work has started at this site - Outline permission only. No Reserved Matters application submitted. No Building Control records available. Owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating that they intend to start and complete the site within 2-5 years. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
BK116 BK116 St Andrews Methodist Church, Mosley Street, Barnoldswick yes 0.14 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-07-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1851 53.9156) Full: Part demolition of school building and conversion to six 1 and 2 bed apartments and erection of two storey extension to rear, erection of single storey extension to rear of church.No work has started at this site. A Building Control application for the extension has been submitted. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
BK132 BK132 Gisburn Street Works, Barnoldswick yes 0.09 3 8 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1884 53.9208) Full: Demolition of garage, joiners workshop and office and erection of 7 dwelling houses..The Council's viability model indicates that this type of site is viable to develop. This site is currently in employment use and there may be competing uses for the site. The site is located in a mainly residential area. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating their intention to bring the site forward within 2-5 years. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
BR037 BR037 Four Oaks, The Crescent, Brierfield yes 0.39 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2013-09-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2309 53.8185) Erection of 9 dwellinghouses (Extension of time). Development at the site has not yet started, although Building Control records indicate that some foundations for one of the dwellings has now been laid. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
BR053 BR053 Marsden Cross, 30 Higher Reedley Road, Brierfield yes 0.26 4 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.2205 53.8224) Development has not started at this site and the permission has now expired. It is unlikely that the site will come forward in the next five years but is still a potentially developable site.. Development taken from previous (lapsed) application. ((13/12/0415P) Full: Conversion of public house with residential flat to four flats with eight solar panels on the rear roofslope (resubmission). 2019-10-14 2017-12-14
BY011 BY011 Barley House Farm, Barley Lane, Barley yes 0.25 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-09-15 permissioned POINT(-2.2725 53.8603) Reserved Matters: Erection of 5 detached dwelling houses (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) of Planning Permission 13/15/0290P and formation of access road (Re-Submission). Work has not started at this site - Outline permission only. A Reserved Matters application has not been submitted. No Building Control records available. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
CE078 CE078 Oak Mill, Skipton Road, Colne yes 0.78 32 32 owned by a public authority 2016-12-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1617 53.8621) Full: Major: Erection of 32 dwellings with associated works including parking, highways and landscaping. A new planning permission has been granted at this site. The site is now in the Council's ownership and is being brought forward by the Joint Venture Partnership PEARL. No Building Control records available. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
CE197 CE197 Land at Bright Street, Colne yes 0.29 6 12 owned by a public authority 2019-02-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1715 53.8581) This site is within the Settlement Boundary for Colne. The site was cleared as part of the Housing Market Renewal Initiative, however, no new development has yet taken place on the site. The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. This site is owned by Pendle Borough Council. The Council and its development partner are looking at bringing this site forward in the future once a viable scheme can be prepared. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
CE198 CE198 Colne Commercial Centre, Exchange Street, Colne yes 0.033 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-24 other permissioned POINT(-2.1709 53.8559) Prior Approval Notification: (Class O - Offices to Dwelling Houses) Change of use of B1(a) Office to up to 16 dwellings C3. The owner intends to start this year. 2024-12-03 2019-10-14 2023-01-03
CE200 CE200 Garage site to the rear of 10-24 Essex Street, Colne yes 0.274 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1683 53.8543) Full: Major: Erection of 15 residential units including 9 dwelling houses and 6 apartments with 26 car parking spaces (resubmission). No work has been started been started on this site as yet. 2023-01-03 2019-10-14
CE201 CE201 58-60 Brown Street West, Colne yes 0.058 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1802 53.8557) Full: Major: Change of use from light industrial (Use Class B1) to 10 residential apartments (Use Class C3). Work has started on site 2024-12-03 2019-10-14
CE203 CE203 45 Market Street, Colne yes 0.013 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1662 53.8574) Full: Change of use of first, second and third floors to provide 5x apartments (Use Class C3), replacement of upper floor windows to three elevations and installation of security shutter to re. Work has started on site 2024-12-03 2019-10-14 2023-01-03
EY054 EY054 Ace Case Ltd, Pennine House, New Road, Earby yes 0.06 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-09 other not permissioned POINT(-2.144 53.9151) Full: Demolition of Pennine House and erection of five houses and on-site parking (Re-Submission). No work has commenced at this site. No Building Control records available for this development. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
EY082 EY082 Coronation Hall, Cemetery Road, Earby yes 0.036 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1406 53.917) Full: Change of use from Library (Use Class D1) to 9 No. residential apartments (Use Class C3) with some external alterations. Complete 2024-12-03 2019-10-14 2019-12-17
FO034 FO034 Weston Electrical Units Ltd, County Brook Lane, Foulridge yes 0.99 13 13 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1724 53.8774) ull: Major: Demolition of existing disused B2/B8 units and erection of 13 No. 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings, new access road and associated landscaping works. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
LE023 LE023 Land to North West of Laneshawbridge yes 0.25 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-26 permissioned POINT(-2.1214 53.8626) Reserved matters: erection of 4 detached dwellings and associated roads, infrastructure and detached garages (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) of outline planning permission 18/0199/OUT (resubmission. 2024-12-03 2019-10-14
NH008 NH008 Former Spen Brook Mill, Spen Brook Road, Spen Brook yes 1.98 28 28 not owned by a public authority 2015-04-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2682 53.8454) Full: Major: Demolition of industrial buildings, conversion of Spenbrook Mill to 10 No. residential units and erection of 18 No. residential units with associated landscaping, access, car parking and associated works. Development at the site has not yet started. This site is a major development and a site specific viability appraisal was carried out as part of the planning application process. This appraisal indicated that the development of the site is viable. No Building Control records available. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2023-04-01
NN103 NN103 Marsden Hall Farm, Walton Lane, Nelson yes 0.3 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2015-01-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1852 53.8391) Full: Major: Demolition of barn and green houses; erection of 8 no. dwellings; alterations to Marsden Park Cottage; part demolition and erection of two storey side extension to Farm Cottage; and alterations to perimeter wall. Complete 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
NN124 NN124 Barkerhouse Road Day Nursery, Barkerhouse Road, Nelson yes 0.32 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-12-03 other not permissioned POINT(-2.1976 53.8355) Outline: Major: Residential development for twelve dwelling house (Access and Layout only) and demolition of existing nursery building. Development at this site has not started - Outline permission only. A Reserved Matters application has not been submitted. The planning permission is due to expire in December 2017. No Building Control records available. Unclear as to whether the site will come forward. Retain in five year supply until end of 2017/18. The agent for the owner has moved away. 2023-01-03 2017-12-14
NN128 NN128 Land adjacent to Ambulance Station, Rakeshouse Road, Nelson yes 0.09 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2014-07-01 permissioned POINT(-2.2037 53.8445) Full: Erection of 8 apartments in two, 2 storey blocks with associated car parking and landscaping. Development at this site has not started. A new planning application was approved in April 2017. No Building Control records available. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
NN143 NN143 Nelson Discount Furniture, Cooper Street, Nelson yes 0.04 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-23 other not permissioned POINT(-2.2132 53.8405) Full: Conversion and partial demolition of existing building to create 5 dwellings with associated external alterations. Work has not started at this site. No Building Control records available. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
NN154 NN154 68-70 Manchester Road, Nelson yes 0.02 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-02-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2176 53.8355) Full: Conversion of HMO to 8 self-contained flats and insertion of two window openings to first and second floors at side. Work has not started at this site. A Building Control application for the proposal was refused. Owner did not return the Housing Land Survey form. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
NN166 NN166 Eastern House, 29-37 Macleod Street, Nelson yes 2.025 20 20 not owned by a public authority 2018-07-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2208 53.836) Full: Demolition of warehouse (29 - 37 McLeod St) and erection of a row of five dwellinghouses. No work has been started been started on this site as yet. 2024-12-03 2019-10-14
NN169 NN169 Pendle Rise Estates Phoenix Chambers yes 0.093 39 39 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-19 other not permissioned POINT(-2.213 53.8367) No work has been started been started on this site as yet. 2023-01-03 2019-10-14
P022 P022 Walk Mill, Green Road / Spring Gardens Road, Colne yes 2.99 101 120 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1743 53.8533) The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. The owners of the site are consolidating their premises and have indicated their intention to release the site for housing. The current economic circumstances are restricting the progress of this scheme. There is no up-to-date information available as to the current intentions of the owner to bring the site forward. The site could come forward in the 11-15 year period. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P023 P023 Spring Gardens Mill, Green Road, Colne yes 3.11 124 207 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1708 53.8525) The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. The owners of the site are consolidating their premises and have indicated their intention to release the site for housing. The mill building has now been demolished. The current economic circumstances are restricting the progress of this scheme. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating that the site is still available. However, there have been some discussions as to whether the site could be developed for an alternative use (e.g. employment). The site could come forward within the 6-15 year period. 2021-12-06 2017-12-14
P026 P026 Riverside Mill, Charles Street, Nelson yes 2.56 140 140 not owned by a public authority 2023-05-24 permissioned POINT(-2.2106 53.8424) Outline (Major): Residential development of up to 140 dwellings (access only). 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P052 P052 Former Railway Sidings, Clitheroe Road, Brierfield yes 1.59 60 64 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.2374 53.8221) The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. This site was identified in the Railway Street SPD as a key regeneration site in Brierfield. The site is partially in commercial use and the economic circumstances are restricting the site from coming forward. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating their intention to bring the site forward within 1 year. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P053 P053 Green Works, Knotts Lane, Colne yes 0.29 9 26 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1786 53.8524) The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. This site has a number of contamination issues that need to be resolved before development can be undertaken. The owner of the site has previously indicated that the current economic circumstances are having an impact on development timescales. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating their intention to bring the site forward within 2-5 years. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P064 P064 Brook Shed, New Road, Earby yes 1.32 50 50 not owned by a public authority 2023-09-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1432 53.9139) Full: (Major) Erection of 50 dwellings with associated access and landscaping, demolition of Brook Shed engine house, chimney stack, and remaining sections of north elevation of the former weaving shed, boiler house and water tank. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P077 P077 Gisburn Street Works, Barnoldswick yes 0.09 3 8 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1884 53.9208) The Council's viability model indicates that this type of site is viable to develop. This site is currently in employment use and there may be competing uses for the site. The site is located in a mainly residential area. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating their intention to bring the site forward within 2-5 years. 2019-10-14 2017-12-14
P090 P090 Black Carr Mill, Skipton Road, Trawden yes 0.72 15 29 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1359 53.8476) This site is located within the village of Trawden. The site is also within Flood Zones 2&3. A flood risk assessment would be required as part of any planning application that is submitted setting out appropriate mitigation. The site is currently in use. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating that the site is available for development and could come forward within 1 year. 2023-01-03 2017-12-14
P097 P097 Brierfield Mills, Glen Way, Brierfield yes 3.04 52 52 owned by a public authority 2017-12-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2375 53.825) This building is within the urban area of Brierfield. The Council own the building and with its development partner are progressing its regeneration. The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. There is potential for part of the building to be converted into residential accommodation and plans are progressing with the specific details of the conversion. There is a planning application pending on the site for the conversion to 52 apartments.. Full: Major: Conversion of mill building to 52 residential apartments (C3) to third floor, part of 2nd and 1st floors, ground floor offices (B1a and A2) and flexible use of 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor of cafe (A3) and drinking establishment (A4). 2019-10-14 2017-12-14
P167 P167 Land at Bright Street, Colne yes 0.29 6 12 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1715 53.8581) This site is within the Settlement Boundary for Colne. The site was cleared as part of the Housing Market Renewal Initiative, however, no new development has yet taken place on the site. The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. This site is owned by Pendle Borough Council. The Council and its development partner are looking at bringing this site forward in the future once a viable scheme can be prepared. 2019-10-14 2017-12-14
P211 P211 Land off Fry Street, Nelson yes 0.42 13 30 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.1991 53.8373) This is a vacant, former horticultural nursery site in Nelson. The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. The site has been actively marketed and a planning application has recently been submitted but has since been withdrawn. The owner has returned the Housing Land Survey form indicating that the site is available and development could come forward within 1 year. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P257 P257 Land at Giles Street, Nelson yes 0.93 35 37 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.2097 53.8396) This is a cleared housing site in Nelson. The site has been allocated for housing development in the Bradley Area Action Plan. The site is owned by Pendle Borough Council and is likely to be developed by the Council's development partner. New site specific viability work will be carried out as part the development scheme for the site. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
P267 P267 Former LCC Depot, Halifax Road, Brierfield yes 0.25 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2024-10-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2273 53.8247) Full (Major) Erection of 10 bungalows 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
SH013 SH013 Salterforth Mill, Earby Road, Salterforth yes 0.13 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1687 53.905) Full: Conversion of existing mill building to form 9 No. dwellings. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14
CE143 CE143 Former Cement Works, Knotts Lane, Colne yes 0.29 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.17601 53.8497) Full: Erection of five detached dwelling houses with garages. Complete 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2019-10-14
NN127 NN127 6-18 Scotland Road and 7-17 Leeds Road, Nelson yes 0.07 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-06-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.21423 53.8371) Full: Demolition of 11 Leeds Road, conversion and extension at 7-9 Leeds Road to form 9 flats and external alterations to 9-17 Leeds Road and 6-18 Scotland Road including access ramp and new shop fronts. Complete 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2019-10-14
NN135 NN135 Reedyford Mill, Pendle Street, Nelson 1.42 65 65 not owned by a public authority 2015-06-23 other not permissioned POINT(-2.21875 53.8412) Outline: Major: (Access only): Erection of 65 dwellings with access from Pendle Street, Erection of 2040 Sq.m of commercial floor space (B1(c), B2 and B8 use) with access off Westfield, Full: Erection of petrol filling station (Sui Generis) 472 Sq.m. Expired planning permission 2021-12-06 2017-12-14
BK132 / P077 BK132 / P077 Gisburn Street Works, Barnoldswick yes 0.093 3 3 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1885 53.9207) Full: Demolition of garage, joiners workshop and office and erection of 7 dwelling houses. Work has started on site 2024-12-03 2019-10-14
BR072 BR072 Marsden Cross, 30 Higher Reedley Road, Brierfield yes 0.26 4 10 not owned by a public authority 2019-12-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2205 53.8224) Full: Major: Conversion of former Public House into 10 No. one bed flats, car parking and access. Work has started on this site 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2021-12-06
CE197 / P167 CE197 / P167 Site of Former 1 to 34 Bright Street, Colne yes 0.287 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-12-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.1714 53.8581) Full: Major: Erection of 10 semi-detached bungalows with associated bin storage and parking. Work has started on site 2024-12-03 2019-10-14 2021-12-06
BR068 / P097 BR068 / P097 Brierfield Mills, Glen Way, Brierfield yes 3.04 52 52 owned by a public authority 2017-12-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.2375 53.825) Full: Major: Conversion of mill building to 52 residential apartments (C3) to third floor, part of 2nd and 1st floors, ground floor offices (B1a and A2) and flexible use of 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor of cafe (A3) and drinking establishment (A4)..This building is within the urban area of Brierfield. The Council own the building and with its development partner are progressing its regeneration. The Council's viability model suggests that this type of site is unlikely to be viable to develop. There is potential for part of the building to be converted into residential accommodation and plans are progressing with the specific details of the conversion. There is a planning application pending on the site for the conversion to 52 apartments. Part of this site has permission with part yet to apply for permission. 2024-12-03 2017-12-14 2023-01-03
P309 P309 Land at Ouzledale Foundary, Long Ing Lane, Barnoldswick 7.68 87 120 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.178664 53.918335) This is large brownfield site that is situated within the settlement boundary. It is a possible site for mixed use. 2023-01-03 2019-12-17

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