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North Norfolk District Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
BLR01 BLR01 Land at Runton Road Cromer yes 1.03 25 29 not owned by a public authority 2006-06-26 permissioned POINT(1.286255 52.932845) The calculation used for net minimum (and net dwelling range from) is 60% of the site area multiplied by minimum indicative density (North Norfolk Core Strategy Policy HO7) (in this case 40 dwellings per hectare). The calculation used for net dwelling range to is 70% of the site area multiplied by the same minimum indicative density. 2019-12-09 2017-12-18
BLR02 BLR02 Coach Depot Claypit Lane Fakenham yes 0.2 7 not owned by a public authority 2018-09-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.850795 52.836309) Planning permission reference 18/0908 renewed planning permission reference 13/0995. Erection of 3, two storey, two bedroom dwellings; 2, two storey, three bedroom dwellings and 2, three storey, 4 bedroom dwellings 2019-12-09 2017-12-18
BLR03 BLR03 Maces Yard 34 - 36 Cromer Road North Walsham yes 0.82 20 23 not owned by a public authority¦¦ not permissioned POINT(1.380457 52.824163) The site lies within a designated residential area (North Norfolk Core Strategy Proposals Map) where the principle of residential development is accepted. The calculation used for net minimum (and net dwelling range from) is 60% of the site area multiplied by minimum indicative density (Policy HO7) (in this case 40 dwellings per hectare). The calculation used for net dwelling range to is 70% of the site area multiplied by the same minimum indicative density. 2019-12-09 2017-12-18
BLR04 BLR04 Melborne House Bacton Road North Walsham yes 1.09 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-23 full planning permission�� permissioned POINT(1.401853 52.828191) Change of use/conversion of main house to one dwelling and three flats and the conversion of outbuildings/barn to five dwellings 2017-12-18 2017-12-18
BLR05 BLR05 29 New Road North Walsham yes 0.54 45 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(1.392121 52.820805) By virtue of condition 1 of the planning permission, development must be begun not later than 1 November 2018. The planning permission is subject to pre-commencement conditions.. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 45 retirement living apartments for the elderly including communal facilities, landscaping, car parking and ancillary development. 2017-12-18 2017-12-18
BLR06 BLR06 Land at Abbey Road Sheringham 0.34 5 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-24 full planning permission多ttps://多ttps://ido permissioned POINT(1.204369 52.937765) The wider site has extant permission (PM/02/0556) for 6 bungalows. There are currently 4 permissions (one of which has commenced) for revised designs replacing the bungalows with one and a half, two and two and a half storey dwellings. References and expiry dates are as follows: 15/1468 one dwelling expires 09/03/19, 17/1739 two dwellings expires 29/05/19, 17/1738 two dwellings expires 22/10/18.. Erection of 3 two and a half storey dwellings 2 two storey dwellings 2018-12-17 2017-12-18
BLR07 BLR07 Coach Depot The Street Catfield 0.26 7 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-15多ttps:// permissioned POINT(1.534578 52.739396) Planning permission reference 16/0875. Demolition of the former coach depot/workshop has been undertaken under DP/14/1621.. Site for the erection of 7 dwellings (details of appearance and landscaping reserved). 2018-12-17 2017-12-18
BLR09 BLR09 Units at Old Coal Yard Maryland Wells-next-the-Sea yes 0.28 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.856495 52.953702) Planning permission reference 17/1939. Demolition of existing grain store building and erection of dwellings, with associated car parking, access and erection of external steps to facilitate means of escape.. Erection of 9 dwellings comprising of a detached two storey dwelling, 3no. two storey terrace dwellings and 5no. three storey terrace dwelling. 2019-12-09 2018-10-08
BLR10 BLR10 Formerly The Shannocks 1 High Street Sheringham yes 0.09 10 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(1.212479 52.945172) Demolition of existing hotel and erection of mixed use building comprising dwellings and 4 commercial units (Use Class A1/A2/A3/ A4/A5) with associated parking and highways works. Planning permission reference 17/0468. Erection of mixed use building comprising 10 dwellings, with associated parking and highways works 2019-12-09 2018-10-10
BLR12 BLR12 Land adjacent to East Coast Motors Beach Road Cromer yes 0.23 40 40 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(1.29438 52.93284) Allocation Site 2019-12-09 2019-12-09
BLR13 BLR13 Land at Jubilee Lane Cromer High Station Cromer yes 1.72 31 31 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(1.308717 52.917478) Allocation Site 2019-12-09 2019-12-09
BLR14 BLR14 Land South of Louden Road Cromer yes 0.33 20 20 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(1.299163 52.930354) Allocation Site 2019-12-09 2019-12-09
BLR15 BLR15 70 Holt Road Fakenham yes 0.28 6 not owned by a public authority 2012-02-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.856754 52.832453) The site is located within the residential policy area. Erection of 6 two storey dwellings 2019-12-09 2019-12-09
BLR16 BLR16 Land to the north of Tilia Business Park Tunstead Road Hoveton yes 1.68 28 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-17 permissioned POINT(1.411064 52.719091) The site is situated within an area designated for employment. Erection of 28 residential dwellings 2019-12-09 2019-12-09
BLR08 BLR08 Slaughter House Upper Staithe Road Stalham yes 1.02 42 not owned by a public authority 2018-07-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(1.515432 52.770041) Planning permission reference 17/1524. Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of retirement living housing for the elderly (category II type accommodation), communal facilities, access, car parking, landscaping and ancillary development at Slaughter House.. Site for the erection of 30 retirement living apartments & 12 retirement bungalows 2018-12-17 2018-10-08
BLR11 BLR11 Land at Black Swan Loke North Walsham yes 0.02 6 not owned by a public authority 2016-02-12多ttps:// permissioned POINT(1.387364 52.820949) Planning permission reference 15/1692. The former buildings once occupying the site have been demolished.. Erection of two town-houses and four flats 2018-12-17 2018-10-10