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Halton Borough Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
H1032 H1032 Busway and Former Petrol Station, Bridge Street, Runcorn yes 0.9 24 32 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-2.727266 53.341255) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Physical constraints identified include woodland and potentially contaminated land. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1077 H1077 Highways Agency Depot, Chester Road, Preston Brook yes 0.88 20 30 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.652483 53.31961) Site is currently in use. Minimum capacity to allow for other uses, whilst maximum capacity is based on a density multiplier at 35dph. The relocation of the existing depot would be a constraint to the development of the site. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1079 H1079 Land to the south of Old Quay Street and Mason Street, Runcorn yes 1.46 39 52 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.721995 53.343085) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Potentially contaminated land within the site from former use as a brickworks and due to landfilling within part of the site. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1085 H1085 Paramount Foods, Halton Road, Runcorn yes 3.71 53 118 not owned by a public authority 2016-07-28 permissioned POINT(-2.715239 53.338765) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on the planning permission for part of the site and the maximum at 40dph across the site. Physical constraints identified include potentially contaminated land.. Outline application for part of the site, with all matters reserved, for demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 53 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and ancillary works at Former Warehouse Halton Court. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H1104 H1104 Former Polar Ford and surrounds, Victoria Road, Runcorn yes 1.44 20 20 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.725691 53.340473) Potential capacity reflects the available part of site. Physical constraints identified include potentially contaminated land. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1109 H1109 East Lane House, East Lane, Runcorn yes 1.14 30 153 not owned by a public authority 2023-02-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.695045 53.327109) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and the maximum capacity based on the extant Prior Approval for the site. The site is currently developed but derelict. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1118 H1118 Brosley House, Widnes Road, Widnes yes 0.33 9 16 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.730965 53.364343) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 50dph. Site is cleared (Brosley House has been demolished). No other known constraints on the site. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1120 H1120 The Foundry, Lugsdale Road, Widnes 0.39 11 15 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.726503 53.363561) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Potentially contaminated land within the site. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1155 H1155 Former Polar Ford Second Hand Cars Site, Victoria Road, Runcorn yes 0.37 11 18 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.724737 53.340021) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 50dph. Potentially contaminated land within the site. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1159 H1159 Former Express Dairies Site, Sewell Street, Runcorn yes 0.66 33 33 not owned by a public authority 2022-04-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.722782 53.339907) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission - 21/00613/FUL - Site under construction 01/04/2022. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-12-15 2017-12-31
H1177 H1177 Site of former Rathbone Institute, Waterloo Road, Runcorn yes 0.65 18 29 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-2.737077 53.3423) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 50dph. Physical constraints identified include heritage assets and PADHI pipelines. 13/00429/DEM - permission for demolition of building, now demolished. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1195 H1195 Former Eternit, Derby Road, Widnes yes 5.24 110 116 not owned by a public authority 2016-04-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.7207 53.382985) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum based on the extant Planning Permission. Potentially contaminated land identified on this site.. Proposed residential development comprising 116 no. dwellings, road, open space, substation and all associated works. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H1201 H1201 Castle View House, East Lane, Runcorn yes 1.53 54 248 not owned by a public authority 2017-06-06 other permissioned POINT(-2.694366 53.32785) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum based on the extant Prior Approval. Physical constraints identified include trees and woodland. Prior approval for 248 dwellings (17/00375/P3JPA), Site now under construction.. Proposed change of use from office building to 248 residential units. 2018-10-26 2017-12-31
H1237 H1237 Widnes Films Ltd., Warrington Road yes 1.76 47 69 not owned by a public authority full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.715105 53.367558) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum based on the extant Planning Application.. Proposed development of 118 dwellings (including affordable housing). Site H1343 forms the remainder of this application. 2018-10-26 2018-10-26
H1275 H1275 RMC House, Terrace Road, West Bank, Widnes yes 0.51 13 92 not owned by a public authority 2016-05-27 full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.73175 53.349641) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum in line with lapsed planning permission. Contamination and heritage constraints have been identified. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1277 H1277 The Deck, Mersey Road, Widnes yes 2.36 27 178 not owned by a public authority 2005-12-12 permissioned POINT(-2.729243 53.343562) Site under construction, with 6 of the 10 apartment buildings completed. Site could still accommodate the remaining 4 buildings. Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph on the land remaining and maximum based on the 178 dwellings remaining on extant planning permission.. Proposed residential development consisting of 10 no. apartment blocks ranging between 5 & 6 storeys (466 no. apartments) and 3 no. retail/ leisure units with associated road layout, car parking and landscaping. Permission granted 2005 - site partially built part still extant.. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H1280 H1280 Land Opposite Motherwell Close, Lanark Gardens, Widnes 0.34 10 10 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.747805 53.381173) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier of 30dph. Current permission for a medical centre. Previous permission now lapsed (11/00197/FUL) for 12 dwellings.. Potential for residential development, if currently proposed medical centre is not built. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H1288 H1288 Land at 59 - 77 High Street, Runcorn Old Town yes 0.88 17 24 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.735507 53.340989) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum based of 40dph in line with nearby town centre. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2018-10-26
H1303 H1303 Land to the east of Kestrel's Way, Hallwood Park, Runcorn yes 1.61 29 35 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.698309 53.324753) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on retention of part of the woodland area and a maximum based on 30dph across the site. Yield affected by woodland and open space. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1336 H1336 Land Adjacent to St. Helens Canal (Routledge Site), Tanhouse Lane yes 7.56 211 230 not owned by a public authority 2020-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.717029 53.361308) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 40dph and maximum based on the FULL Application. The site has potential contamination due to past works. Site stalled (developer goes into administration) after initial development construction. 2023-01-09 2018-10-26
H1343 H1343 Walmsley Street Site, Widnes yes 1.12 30 40 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-14 full planning permission Not permissioned POINT(-2.717342 53.367454) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Previously in employment use. Constraints identified include potentially contaminated land. It is also noted that the site has not been developed in recent years yet sits in an area of development potential.. Potential for residential development in line with recent residential development in the surrounds. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H1345 H1345 Land at Derby Road and Mill Lane Junction Roundabout yes 0.97 42 42 not owned by a public authority 2022-10-17 permissioned POINT(-2.715923 53.386843) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission. Issues regarding the contamination of the land would need to be mitigated as necessary. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2018-10-26
H1347 H1347 Part of Former Fairfield school site, Peel House Lane, Widnes yes 0.4 5 5 mixed ownership 2023-08-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.723154 53.379662) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1622 H1622 Car Park between High Street and Bridgewater Canal, Runcorn 0.39 11 19 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.733267 53.340885) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 50dph. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1635 H1635 Greenoaks Farm Industrial Estate, Warrington Road, Widnes yes 0.3 3 3 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.716653 53.368483) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1714 H1714 The Heath Offices, Heath Road South, Runcorn yes 1.74 46 62 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.734183 53.32602) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1733 H1733 Land at The Heath Business Park, Heath Road South, Runcorn yes 4.26 53 53 not owned by a public authority 2016-01-07 Not permissioned POINT(-2.736633 53.323569) Dwelling figures to reflect lapsed planning permission. Development in the area will be limited due to its location within the inner zone of a PADHI. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1784 H1784 The Old Bridgewater Centre, Castlefields Avenue North, Runcorn yes 0.36 20 20 not owned by a public authority 2015-08-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.692614 53.34111) Site Completed. Dwelling figures reflect planning permission.. Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of 20 no. dwellings comprising 10 no. houses and 10 no. apartments.. 2018-10-26 2017-12-31
H1808 H1808 Land to the rear of Gaunts Way, Hallwood Park, Runcorn yes 1.37 49 65 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-2.704988 53.322817) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1839 H1839 Land At Rose View Avenue, Widnes yes 0.29 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2016-08-25 permissioned POINT(-2.732665 53.375883) Site Completed. 16/00282/REM - of 4 no. detached dwellings.. Application for approval of reserved matters on Planning Permission 13/00285/OUT for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for erection of 4 no. detached dwellings. 2018-10-26 2017-12-31
H1962 H1962 Fomer Riverside College, Campus Drive, Runcorn yes 4 120 128 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-19 permissioned POINT(-2.745402 53.341682) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on planning application and maximum at 40dph. Physical constraints identified include potentially contaminated land (99%); the proximity to a Listed Building; the existing development on the site; the wooded area; and landfill (Canal basin).. Outline application, with all matters reserved, for development of up to 120 dwellings, open space, infrastructure and associated works.. 2017-12-31 2017-12-31
H2001 H2001 Former Jolly Brewer, The Ridgeway, Runcorn yes 0.46 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2015-01-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.665368 53.323781) Site Under Construction. 14/00563/FUL. Proposed construction of 18 dwellings comprising 10 no. two bedroom flats and 8 no. two bedroom houses with associated infrastructure and landscaping.. 2018-10-26 2017-12-31
H2026 H2026 Grosvenor House, Northway, Runcorn yes 2.32 18 108 not owned by a public authority 2020-10-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.696395 53.328908) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 40dph and maximum based on Prior Approval. Existing development on site. 20/00329/P3JPA 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H2035 H2035 Grangeway Court, Runcorn yes 0.53 6 8 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.717268 53.328101) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. 2023-01-09 2017-12-31
H1100 H1100 Canal Walk, Halton Road Royal Navy Club yes 0.62 17 28 not owned by a public authority 2020-11-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.715067 53.340178) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum based on the Planning Permission. Site Under Construction (early site preparation 01/04/2022). 2023-01-09 2020-03-18
H1122 H1122 Land Rear of 353 to 363 Hale Road yes 0.41 11 14 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-2.769175 53.354071) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2020-11-11 2020-03-18
H1123 H1123 Land off Harrison Street (Camerons), Halebank yes 1.4 37 50 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.768626 53.354416) Land negotiations underway and advanced. Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2020-03-31 2020-03-18
H1124 H1124 Gold Triangle Complex yes 4.11 70 94 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.761947 53.035885) Land negotiations underway and advanced. Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2020-03-31 2020-03-18
H1334 H1334 Land Adjacent to Ditton Brook, Foundry Lane yes 1.87 80 80 mixed ownership 2022-05-13 permissioned POINT(-2.763796 53.354033) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2020-03-18
H1719 H1719 Widnes Timber Centre, Foundry Lane yes 0.95 18 26 mixed ownership Not permissioned POINT(-2.767556 53.352598) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2020-03-31 2020-03-18
H1748 H1748 Land adjacent to Sandymoor Community Centre yes 1.35 48 48 2021-01-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.659431 53.344705) Dwelling figures to reflect planning permission. 21/00628/FUL - Site under construction 31/03/2021. 2023-01-09 2020-11-18
H2188 H2188 The Heath Business & Technical Park, Heath Road South Runcorn 0.3 9 12 Not permissioned POINT(-2.73637 53.325719) Potential capacity based on a density multiplier with the minimum based on 30dph and maximum at 40dph. 2023-12-15 2020-11-16
H2340 H2340 Former Showroom for The Deck yes 0.54 15 15 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.731286 53.343567) Potential capacity based on a DALP trajectory. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2020-11-13
H2341 H2341 Remainder of The Deck yes 0.44 12 12 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-2.725612 53.343782) Potential capacity based on a DALP trajectory. Allocated for Hsg in adopted local plan (March 2022). 2023-01-09 2020-11-13