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Elmbridge Borough Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
92 92 9 Esher Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4JZ yes 0.0678 12 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511780&startNorthing=164432 POINT(-0.395635 51.367958) Mixed use development of 12 flats scheme with associated parking at basement and first floor level 2021-01-11 2021-01-11
123 123 Idis House, Churchfield Road, Weybridge, KT13 8DB yes 0.1331 24 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-29 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2625%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2625&address:PARAM=Idis%20House,%20%20Churchfield%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%208DB&northing:PARAM=164771&easting:PARAM=507331 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507361&startNorthing=164795 POINT(-0.458982 51.372072) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
109 109 Thamesview House, Felix Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 2SL yes 0.5906 33 not owned by a public authority 2021-01-26 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272019/3601%27&appno:PARAM=2019/3601&address:PARAM=Thamesview%20House,%20%20Felix%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%202SL&northing:PARAM=167057&easting:PARAM=510280 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510372&startNorthing=167027 POINT(-0.415049 51.391558) Development of part six/ part nine-storey building to create 97 residential units (C3) and ground floor unit for a nursery (D1) with associated bin and cycle stores, parking, access and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
110 110 10 Brittain Road, Hersham,Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4LR yes 0.0629 7 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-10 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/2498%27&appno:PARAM=2020/2498&address:PARAM=10%20Brittain%20Road,%20Hersham,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%204LR&northing:PARAM=164330&easting:PARAM=511995 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511995&startNorthing=164330 POINT(-0.39258 51.366999) Detached two-storey building with rooms in the roof space containing 8 flats, detached cycle and bin stores and asscoaited parking following demolition of existing house and garage 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
118 118 8-14 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9JL yes 0.5192 47 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-16 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3223%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3223&address:PARAM=8-14%20Oatlands%20Drive%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209JL&northing:PARAM=166331&easting:PARAM=509513 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509393&startNorthing=166306 POINT(-0.429336 51.385266) Development comprising 51 flats with associated parking, access and landscaping demolition of existing houses 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
113 113 Members Hill, Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0QU yes 1.0359 57 not owned by a public authority 2021-02-24 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3345%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3345&address:PARAM=Members%20Hill,%20%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200QU&northing:PARAM=162804&easting:PARAM=507273 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507370&startNorthing=162740 POINT(-0.459472 51.353599) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
119 119 241 Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0RH yes 0.404 32 not owned by a public authority 2021-08-13 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1868%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1868&address:PARAM=241%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200RH&northing:PARAM=162859&easting:PARAM=507462 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507428&startNorthing=162839 POINT(-0.45861 51.354478) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
120 120 243 Brooklands Road, Weybridge, KT13 0RH yes 0.3455 17 not owned by a public authority 2021-08-13 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1870%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1870&address:PARAM=243%20Brooklands%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200RH&northing:PARAM=162886&easting:PARAM=507438 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507414&startNorthing=162899 POINT(-0.458793 51.35502) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
166 166 Weybridge Centre for the Community, Churchfield Place, Weybridge, KT13 8BZ yes 0.0581 8 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507404&startNorthing=164777 POINT(-0.45837 51.371902) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
125 125 6 The Heights, Weybridge, KT13 0XP yes 1.3503 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-12-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2032%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2032&address:PARAM=6%20The%20Heights,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200XP&northing:PARAM=162558&easting:PARAM=507205 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507209&startNorthing=162565 POINT(-0.461836 51.352057) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
114 114 Two Oaks, Castleview Road, Weybridge, KT13 9AA yes 0.1501 12 not owned by a public authority 2021-05-26 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/0395%27&appno:PARAM=2021/0395&address:PARAM=Two%20Oaks,%20%20Castleview%20Road,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%209AA&northing:PARAM=164787&easting:PARAM=507875 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507887&startNorthing=164789 POINT(-0.45143 51.371919) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 12 dwellings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
172 172 8-14 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9JL yes 0.5192 47 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-16 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3223%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3223&address:PARAM=8-14%20Oatlands%20Drive%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209JL&northing:PARAM=166331&easting:PARAM=509513 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509393&startNorthing=166306 POINT(-0.429336 51.385266) Development comprising 51 flats with associated parking, access and landscaping demolition of existing houses 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
117 117 145 Hersham Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 5NR yes 0.1 16 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-24 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/1222%27&appno:PARAM=2020/1222&address:PARAM=145%20Hersham%20Road,%20Hersham,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%205NR&northing:PARAM=165079&easting:PARAM=511009 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511011&startNorthing=165068 POINT(-0.40648 51.373825) Part three/ part four-storey detached building comprising 18 flats and 1 retail (74.07 sqm) with associated parking and communal areas following demolition of existing houses and retail unit 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
121 121 Beechwood Court, Station Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1LT yes 0.1765 10 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2579%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2579&address:PARAM=Beechwood%20Court,%20%20Station%20Avenue,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201LT&northing:PARAM=165050&easting:PARAM=510472 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510476&startNorthing=165038 POINT(-0.414172 51.37366) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 10 dwellings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
122 122 Walton Lodge, Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1BT yes 0.2704 20 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-10 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2591%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2591&address:PARAM=Walton%20Lodge,%20%20Bridge%20Street,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201BT&northing:PARAM=166405&easting:PARAM=509620 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509614&startNorthing=166417 POINT(-0.426127 51.386221) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O: Change of Use from Office (B1a) to residential (C3) 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
169 169 Pineview, Fairmile Park Road, Cobham, KT11 2PG yes 0.2351 6 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512943&startNorthing=160873 POINT(-0.380063 51.335739) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
126 126 Bevendean Cottage, Warren Lane, Oxshott, Leatherhead, KT22 0SU yes 0.3922 14 not owned by a public authority 2021-03-21 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272019/3471%27&appno:PARAM=2019/3471&address:PARAM=Bevendean%20Cottage,%20%20Warren%20Lane,%20Oxshott,%20Leatherhead,%20KT22%200SU&northing:PARAM=160787&easting:PARAM=514345 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514327&startNorthing=160759 POINT(-0.360241 51.334438) Detached two-storey building containing 15 apartments with rooms in the roof space, dormer windows, basement parking, bin/garden store, associated landscaping and parking and close up of existing vehicle access from Warren Lane following demolition of existing house and outbuildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
128 128 37 Homefield Road, Walton-On-Thames, KT12 3RE yes 0.1164 8 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-03 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/0944%27&appno:PARAM=2021/0944&address:PARAM=37%20Homefield%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%203RE&northing:PARAM=166690&easting:PARAM=512419 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512418&startNorthing=166695 POINT(-0.385759 51.388172) Detached two-storey block with rooms in the roof space and dormer windows comprising 7 flats and a pair of semi-detached two-storey houses with rooms in the roof space following demolition of existing house. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
129 129 Beechcroft Manor, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 9NY yes 1.6934 11 not owned by a public authority 2022-03-17 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/0086%27&appno:PARAM=2022/0086&address:PARAM=Beechcroft%20Manor%20Weybridge%20Surrey%20KT13%209NY&northing:PARAM=165143&easting:PARAM=508869 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=508688&startNorthing=165266 POINT(-0.439781 51.376054) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 11 dwellings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
130 130 Garages and playground to the side and rear of 61- 69 Rodney Road 24-30 Ambleside Avenue 10-12 Edgehill Court and Flats 7-11 12-14 St Johns Drive Surrey yes 0.1113 6 not owned by a public authority 2021-11-11 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/3499%27&appno:PARAM=2020/3499&address:PARAM=Playground,%20%20Rodney%20Close,%20Walton-On-Thames&northing:PARAM=166090&easting:PARAM=511289 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511299&startNorthing=166091 POINT(-0.402023 51.382964) Two terraces of 3 two-storey houses, bin and cycle stores, parking, landscaping and play area following demolition of existing garages. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
131 131 45 More Lane, Esher, Surrey KT10 8AP yes 0.2663 25 not owned by a public authority 2022-05-31 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/1791%27&appno:PARAM=2021/1791&address:PARAM=45%20More%20Lane%20Esher%20Surrey%20KT10%208AP&northing:PARAM=165461&easting:PARAM=513554 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513540&startNorthing=165455 POINT(-0.370037 51.376804) Development comprising 25 flats in 2 blocks with associated parking and amenity areas. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
132 132 Copsem Manor, 50 Copsem Lane, Esher,Surrey, KT10 9HJ yes 0.3613 6 not owned by a public authority 2022-05-31 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/2254%27&appno:PARAM=2021/2254&address:PARAM=Copsem%20Manor,%2050%20Copsem%20Lane,%20Esher,%20KT10%209HJ&northing:PARAM=162058&easting:PARAM=514018 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513969&startNorthing=162039 POINT(-0.364968 51.346015) Three pairs of two-storey semi-detached houses with rooms in the roof space, associated access driveway from Copsem Lane, parking, refuse storage and hard and soft landscaping. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
142 142 Garages to the rear of Foxwarren, Claygate, KT10 0LA yes 0.1186 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515841&startNorthing=162940 POINT(-0.337808 51.353734) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
133 133 23-27 High Street, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3DH yes 0.0775 10 not owned by a public authority 2022-07-01 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1231%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1231&address:PARAM=25%20High%20Street,%20Cobham,%20KT11%203DH&northing:PARAM=159994&easting:PARAM=510854 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510868&startNorthing=159993 POINT(-0.410111 51.328237) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA: Change of Use from Commercial, Business and Service (E) to Residential (C3). 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
134 134 1-15 Hillbrook Gardens, Weybridge, KT13 0SP yes 0.4181 5 not owned by a public authority 2022-07-20 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1239%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1239&address:PARAM=1%20Hillbrook%20Gardens,%20Weybridge,%20KT13%200SP&northing:PARAM=163298&easting:PARAM=507483 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507482&startNorthing=163297 POINT(-0.457696 51.358585) Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A: Additional storeys above existing block of flats to create 5 dwellings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
135 135 363 to 367 Molesey Road, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey, KT12 3PF yes 0.111 6 not owned by a public authority^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272021/3072%27&appno:PARAM=2021/3072&address:PARAM=Site%20Of%20363%20To%20367,%20%20Molesey%20Road,%20Walton-On-Thames&northing:PARAM=165748&easting:PARAM=512183 not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512180&startNorthing=165750 POINT(-0.389476 51.379725) Development of terrace of 4 two-storey houses and a terrace of 3 two-storey houses with associated parking and cycle and refuse store following demolition of existing buildings (Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale). 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
136 136 16 Sandy Lane, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 2EQ, yes 0.1176 6 not owned by a public authority 2022-11-24 full planning permission^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272022/1998%27&appno:PARAM=2022/1998&address:PARAM=16%20Sandy%20Lane%20Walton-on-Thames%20Surrey%20KT12%202EQ&northing:PARAM=167145&easting:PARAM=511004 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510996&startNorthing=167136 POINT(-0.40605 51.392416) Development comprising 2 terraces of three two-storey houses with rooms in the roof space following demolition of existing buildings. 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
146 146 47 Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0TA yes 0.3611 25 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516385&startNorthing=166656 POINT(-0.328785 51.387023) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
137 137 Jolly Boatman and Hampton Court Station Redevelopment Area, Hampton Court Way, East Molesey, KT8 9AE, yes 1.473 97 owned by a public authority 2022-07-08 full planning permission permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515396&startNorthing=168322 POINT(-0.342452 51.402199) 2023-06-01 2023-06-01
162 162 133-135 Walton Road, East Molesey, KT8 0DT yes 0.1049 8 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514368&startNorthing=168166 POINT(-0.357274 51.401005) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
88 88 40 Fairmile Lane, Cobham, KT11 2DQ yes 0.219 12 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512345&startNorthing=160080 POINT(-0.388893 51.32873) 2019-12-03 2019-12-03
108 108 75 Oatlands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 9LN yes 0.2271 9 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=509192&startNorthing=165660 POINT(-0.432421 51.379498) Redevelopment to provide 6x2 bed apartments and 4x3 bed houses following demolition of existing building with associated access from Beverley Close. 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
138 138 Manor Court, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8RF yes 0.4556 11 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507861&startNorthing=164859 POINT(-0.451782 51.372553) 2023-06-07 2023-06-07
171 171 40 New Road, Esher, KT10 9NU yes 0.2934 6 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514450&startNorthing=164418 POINT(-0.357301 51.3673) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
152 152 Esher Place, 30 Esher Place Avenue, Esher, KT10 8PZ yes 1.9705 22 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513397&startNorthing=164919 POINT(-0.372261 51.372015) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
141 141 Willow House, Mairfair House and Amberhurst, 4B Claremont Lane, Esher, KT10 9DW yes 0.5145 57 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=513965&startNorthing=164233 POINT(-0.364324 51.365735) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
148 148 Brook House and Thames Honda, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0EG yes 0.3921 30 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516787&startNorthing=167023 POINT(-0.32289 51.390239) 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
154 154 4-6 Manor Road South and 4 Greenways, Hinchley Wood yes 0.2707 33 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=515655&startNorthing=165154 POINT(-0.339759 51.373672) LAA 2022 site
155 155 30 Copsem Lane, Esher, KT10 9HE yes 0.5544 21 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514058&startNorthing=163455 POINT(-0.363238 51.358724) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
161 161 Cedar Road Car Park, Cedar Road, Cobham, KT11 2AA yes 0.053 5 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=510910&startNorthing=160074 POINT(-0.409483 51.328957) LAA 2022 site
168 168 52 Fairmile Lane, Cobham, KT11 2DF yes 0.2839 7 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=512318&startNorthing=160362 POINT(-0.389192 51.33127) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
144 144 Weybridge Hospital and car park, 22 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DW yes 0.8399 30 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507266&startNorthing=164921 POINT(-0.460308 51.373223) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
145 145 Hersham Shopping Centre, Molesey Road, Hersham yes 1.3932 200 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511592&startNorthing=164095 POINT(-0.398441 51.364966) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
149 149 East Molesey Car Park, Walton Road, East Molesey yes 0.3923 23 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514581&startNorthing=167980 POINT(-0.354273 51.39929) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
159 159 Corner Cottage, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0TQ yes 0.0906 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=516377&startNorthing=166735 POINT(-0.328874 51.387734) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
160 160 Quadrant Court Yard, Quadrant Way, Weybridge, KT13 8DR yes 0.1628 15 owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507067&startNorthing=164747 POINT(-0.463218 51.371696) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
165 165 Park House, Pratts Lane, Hersham, KT12 4RR yes 0.0466 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=511663&startNorthing=164533 POINT(-0.397284 51.368889) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
116 116 Homebase, New Zealand Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1XA yes 0.9917 209 not owned by a public authority 2021-06-21 other^APPLICATION_NUMBER^=%272020/0832%27&appno:PARAM=2020/0832&address:PARAM=Site%20Of%20Homebase,%20%20New%20Zealand%20Avenue,%20Walton-On-Thames,%20KT12%201XA&northing:PARAM=166146&easting:PARAM=509927 permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=5099949&startNorthing=166182 POINT(-0.421538 51.38384) Development comprising 222 units of care accommodation with associated communal facilities, landscaping, parking, accesses (vehicular and pedestrian), public realm, biycle stores and sub-station following demolition of existing buildings 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
153 153 Café Rouge, Portsmouth Road, Esher, KT10 9AD yes 0.1565 20 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=514710&startNorthing=165537 POINT(-0.353207 51.377306) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08
156 156 Garages to the west of 17 Grenside Road, Weybridge, KT13 8PY yes 0.0744 5 not owned by a public authority other not permissioned,ebc_boroughboundary&startzoom=800&startEasting=507738&startNorthing=165385 POINT(-0.453389 51.377304) LAA 2022 site 2023-06-08 2023-06-08

Showing rows 101 to 150 of 152