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Boston Borough Council

Brownfield land

name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
BLR/BOS/001 BLR/BOS/001 Whitehorse Lane, Boston yes 0.48 50 60 2 2018-06-06 full planning permission 1 POINT(-0.024056 52.974149) Planning permission for the development of 60 dwellings (B/17/0121) has been implemented by a small amount of demolition, but is inactive. The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 50 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019, site ref no: Cen001. The site is for sale.. 1. Erection of two apartment blocks, one fronting John Adams Way and the other fronting White Horse Lane, Boston 2. Erection of one dwelling attached to the north gable of 82 High Street, Boston 3. Conversion of Haven Wharf warehouse to provide 21 flats 4. Relevant demolition in a conservation area including the demolition of outbuilding to the rear of 78 High Street Boston, an industrial building attached to the south elevation of Haven Wharf Warehouse and buildings nos 1, 2 and 3 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/002 BLR/BOS/002 138-142 High Street, Boston yes 0.19 8 8 2 2003-09-18 full planning permission 1 POINT(-0.024513 52.971639) 9 dwellings completed, 8 outstanding but there has been no activity for about 17 years.. Residential development for 17 houses 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/003 BLR/BOS/003 Land to the north of Langrick Road, Boston yes 1.16 35 46 2 2020-03-17 2 POINT(-0.046626 52.982623) The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 35 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019, site ref no: Fen002. The site had planning permission for the Demolition of dwelling and outbuildings; Outline planning permission for up to 46 no. residential dwellings with consideration given to access (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, and Scale reserved matters for later approval). (B/18/0435). 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/005 BLR/BOS/005 Land adjacent to 155 Swineshead Road, Frampton Holme, Boston yes 0.34 8 not owned by a public authority 2007-07-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.075201 52.967804) 7 dwellings completed, 1 outstanding. Erection of 7 no. houses, 1 no. bungalow and new vehicular accesses 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/007 BLR/BOS/007 Land to the north of Main Ridge East, Boston yes 0.25 8 14 2 2 POINT(-0.016717 52.97863) An outline planning application B/09/0074 for residential development (maximum 14 dwellings) plus means of access has lapsed. 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/009 BLR/BOS/009 Boston College De Montfort Campus, Mill Road, Boston yes 3.63 108 not owned by a public authority 2015-10-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.007261 52.971774) 69dwellings completed, 29 under construction, 10 outstanding. Demolition of university campus and erection of 108 dwellings and associated infrastructure 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/010 BLR/BOS/010 Land to the north-east of Freiston Road, Boston yes 0.26 8 10 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.012682 52.978581) The South East Lincolnshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (April 2017) identifies that great care would need to be taken in producing a layout and design to ensure a satisfactory relationship to neighbouring dwellings. The site's development would require the use of a relatively narrow existing vehicular access, subject to the Highway Authority's approval. SHLAA ref no: Ski003 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/011 BLR/BOS/011 Former Norton Lea (NHS) Site, Cork Tree Crescent, London Road, Boston yes 2.08 60 62 owned by a public authority 2015-08-19 not permissioned POINT(-0.02846 52.964116) A planning application B/15/0009 for the Demolition of existing buildings and outline consent (up to 60 dwellings) with consideration given to access. (Matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are reserved for later approval) has lapsed. The Site is also shown as a commitment on the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019. (The application had not lapsed on 31 Match 2017, which is the date housing data is calculated at). The site has been cleared and may be reused by the health authority. 2023-11-24 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/012 BLR/BOS/012 Magnadata International, Norfolk Street, Boston yes 1.21 36 48 not owned by a public authority full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.020708 52.983858) A Planning application B/16/0007 for the demolition of industrial buildings and the development of upto 48 dwellings was granted subject to the signing of a s106 agreement and as a consequence the site is shown as a commitment in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019. The application was withdrawn afterwards. The site has been cleared. A fresh application B/20/0445 awaits a decision.. Residential development consisting of 47no. dwellings with associated hard and soft landscaping, estate roads and access 2020-11-23 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/013 BLR/BOS/013 Magnadata International, Horncastle Road, Boston yes 5.78 173 173 2 full planning permission 2 POINT(-0.02179 52.987571) A Planning application B/16/0011 for the demolition of industrial buildings and the development of upto 173 dwellings was granted subject to the signing of a s106 agreement. The application was withdrawn. The site has been cleared. 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/014 BLR/BOS/014 Land to the north of Fountain Lane, Boston yes 0.29 9 12 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-0.025081 52.979759) The South East Lincolnshire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (April 2017) identifies that the site is near to the Boston Conservation Area and listed buildings - adverse impacts should be prevented by careful design. SHLAA ref no: Wit009 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/015 BLR/BOS/015 Land to the south of Swineshead Road, Boston yes 2.84 85 85 2 2 POINT(-0.065115 52.967568) The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 85 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019, site ref no: Wyb013. 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/016 BLR/BOS/016 291-293 London Road, Wyberton, Boston yes 1.38 28 41 2 2 POINT(-0.044959 52.952206) The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 41 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019, site ref no: Wyb041. 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/019 BLR/BOS/019 The Woadman, Church Road, Boston yes 0.1 9 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.013104 52.973616) All 9 outstanding. Conversion of existing Public House into 5no. apartments and extension to Public House to provide 4no apartments 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/020 BLR/BOS/020 Former Phoenix Poultry Farm, Swineshead Road, Wyberton, Boston yes 1.01 25 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-25 permissioned POINT(-0.064968 52.969184) All 25 outstanding. Outline application for residential development (25 dwellings including 6 affordable homes) including access and layout with matters relating to appearance, scale and landscaping reserved for later approval 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/022 BLR/BOS/022 Millets, Market Place, Boston yes 0.02 6 not owned by a public authority 2015-05-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.023363 52.977923) All 6 outstanding. A new planning application for the same development was submitted on 26/11/2018, B/18/0474. There is an accompanying Listed Building Application, B/18/0475.. Link extension and conversion of first and second floors to form 6 No. apartments 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/023 BLR/BOS/023 Car Park to the rear of 27-29 Wide Bargate, Boston yes 0.04 9 not owned by a public authority 2013-06-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.020421 52.979717) 9 dwellings under construction. Erection of a three storey block of 9 no. flats following demolition of existing storage building 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/024 BLR/BOS/024 The Duke of York, 7 Lincoln Lane, Boston yes 0.07 12 not owned by a public authority 2016-07-26 permissioned POINT(-0.027918 52.977989) All 12 outstanding. Proposed residential development for up to 12 flats with on-site parking 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/025 BLR/BOS/025 Land north of Broadfield Lane (East of Friars Gate), Boston yes 0.14 8 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.031219 52.972856) All 8 outstanding. Erection of 2No. blocks of 3No. dwelling houses, 1 pair of semi detached dwellings and associated access roads, parking courts and landscaping (8 two storey dwellings in total) 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/026 BLR/BOS/026 Exchange Buildings 36-39 Market Place, Boston yes 0.05 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-01-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.023786 52.977139) Change of use of first and second floors from offices (Class B1) to 8 No. dwellings (Class C3) 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/027 BLR/BOS/027 New Castle Inn, 36 Fydell Street, Boston yes 0.12 9 32 2 2023-01-27 full planning permission 1 POINT(-0.032057 52.980971) Outline application with some matters (Appearance & Landscaping) reserved for later approval for the demolition of existing public house and the erection of 3 apartment blocks with 32 apartments and associated infrastructure including a new vehicle access from Lister Way, car parking and amenity space 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/029 BLR/BOS/029 Former nightclub/World Buffet, 23-25 High Street & 24 Bridge Street, Boston yes 0.05 11 not owned by a public authority 2016-09-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.024672 52.976317) 11 outstanding. Conversion of former nightclub to create 5 retail units at ground floor level and extensions and alterations to provide 11 No. flats to upper floors 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/030 BLR/BOS/030 Land off Carmel Green, Park Road, Boston yes 0.17 6 8 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-09 permissioned POINT(-0.033258 52.966345) The site is well advanced.. Application for approval of reserved matters (including appearance and landscaping) for the erection of 8 no. dwellings 2020-11-23 2017-11-20
BLR/FIS/001 BLR/FIS/001 Land at Norwood Yard off Church Green Road, Fishtoft yes 0.62 20 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-03 permissioned POINT(0.021281 52.967111) All 20 outstanding. Outline application will all matters reserved for a proposed residential development - 20 no. dwellings 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/KIR/001 BLR/KIR/001 31-33 London Road, Kirton yes 1.25 25 25 not owned by a public authority full planning permission not permissioned POINT(-0.062766 52.927144) The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 25 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Adopted March 2019), site ref no: Kir016. A planning application has been submitted and awaits a decision.. Residential development consisting of 42 dwellings, estate roads and landscaping 2020-11-23 2017-11-20
BLR/KIR/002 BLR/KIR/002 Mani Firs, London Road, Kirton yes 3.83 105 not owned by a public authority 2016-01-14 permissioned POINT(-0.06509 52.927083) A reserved matters application has been submited on 26/09/2018, B18/0398 and awaits a decision.. Outline application for residential development (105 dwellings) including layout and access with all other matters reserved for later approval 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/SWI/001 BLR/SWI/001 Golden Cross Inn, North End, Swineshead yes 0.15 9 not owned by a public authority 2013-10-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.169383 52.955635) 5 dwellings completed, 4 under construction. Change of use of existing public house (A4) into 5 No. flats and erection of 3 No. town houses and 1 No. detached bungalow, including associated parking, garden and amenity areas and boundary treatments. 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/SWI/003 BLR/SWI/003 Former Youth Centre Site, Station Road, Swineshead yes 0.21 8 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.168214 52.954763) 7 under construction and 1 outstanding. Erection of 8no residential dwellings plus construction of new vehicular access, estate road and parking areas 2018-12-11 2017-11-20
BLR/SWI/004 BLR/SWI/004 Old Station Yard, Swineshead Bridge, Boston yes 1.35 35 35 2 2008-07-07 1 POINT(-0.185385 52.970247) All 35 outstanding. Permission was implemented by partial construction of the access road and some dwelling foundations. There had been no activity on the site for about 10 years until the access road was completed in summer 2020, but there is no further progress.. Application for the approval of reserved matters for the construction of 35 dwellings plus new estate road, landscaping and associated works 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/WRA/001 BLR/WRA/001 Geo H Kime & Co., Main Road, Wrangle yes 0.5 24 24 2 2017-08-21 full planning permission 3 POINT(0.131197 53.040061) Change of use from haulage and storage depot to housing development of 24 no. residential dwellings, estate roads and services 2024-11-19 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/031 BLR/BOS/031 NCP Carpark, Red Lion Street, Boston yes 0.64 15 15 2 2018-10-04 full planning permission 2 POINT(-0.023264 52.980412) B/18/0059 Listed Building Consent for single storey extension and refurbishment of 4 Wide Bargate. Demolition of part of the boundary wall to the Methodist Church and replacement with realigned wall and railings including pedestrian gate. B/18/0060 Demolition of 36 Strait Bargate and 2 Wide Bargate and part of the boundary wall to the Methodist Church. Refurbishment and extension of Grade II listed 4 Wide Bargate. Erection of 14 no. retail units (A1); 2 no. retail units (A3/A5); and 15 no. residential apartments, with associated car parking. Creation of a new pedestrian (and delivery/service vehicle) link connecting Wide Bargate to Red Lion Street have both lapsed. The site is for sale. 2024-11-19 2018-12-11
BLR/BOS/032 BLR/BOS/032 Crown House, Lincoln Lane, Boston yes 0.23 18 owned by a public authority 2018-03-28 other permissioned POINT(-0.026825 52.97745) Application for Prior Approval for the change of use from offices (Class B1) to residential use (Class C3) of first and second floors 2018-12-11 2018-12-11
BLR/BOS/033 BLR/BOS/033 5-7 Witham Bank East, Boston. yes 0.12 24 24 2 2016-11-10 full planning permission 1 POINT(-0.030829 52.983091) B/16/0283 Listed building Consent for demolition of part of boundary wall shared with The Witham Tavern. The site has been cleared but is overgrown suggesting little progress for a while. A pre commencement details for a contaminated land condition were agreed in April 2020. Others are still outstanding.. Demolition of a chandlery, detached house and cottage and reduction in height of boundary walls plus the construction of 24 residential apartments together with ancillary external works including parking provision and the extinguishing of a vehicular access point 2024-11-19 2018-12-11
BLR/BOS/034 BLR/BOS/034 10-13 London Road, Boston yes 0.11 12 not owned by a public authority 2005-09-29 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.026628 52.970011) Construction of 11 No. 1 Bedroom flats and 1 No. Two Bedroom House 2018-12-11 2018-12-11
BLR/SUT/001 BLR/SUT/001 Land at Station Road, Sutterton, Boston yes 0.61 21 not owned by a public authority 2017-02-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.092874 52.902529) Erection of 21 dwellings (to include 4 affordable dwellings), new vehicular access, private access road and associated works 2018-12-11 2018-12-11
BLR/BOS/035 BLR/BOS/035 1, Witham Town, Boston yes 0.21 6 6 2 full planning permission 3 POINT(-0.031345 52.983522) The site is in the Boston Conservation Area. Consent for demolition has been granted, B/11/0515, and implemented.. Proposed residential development of 10 townhouses with amended access and associated works 2024-11-19 2018-12-11
BLR/BOS/036 BLR/BOS/036 Former Boston United Ground and Glider Drome. yes 2.06 62 62 2 2 POINT(-0.019008 52.976735) The football club have built a new ground. This site is under different ownership. The Glider Drome was listed in August 2021. Both properties are for sale. 2024-11-19 2019-12-05
BLR/BOS/037 BLR/BOS/037 34-40 Wormgate, Boston yes 0.14 5 5 2 2 POINT(-0.026508 52.979512) This is the largest under developed site on Wormgate. It is against the river and so flood risk will have to be ameliorated. The site is for sale. 2024-11-19 2019-12-05
BLR/FRA/001 BLR/FRA/001 Former Tulip Site, West End Road, Frampton, Boston yes 0.72 7 15 not owned by a public authority full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.063318 52.940792) Building Regulations file says 15 plots commenced.. Proposed residential development of 15 dwellings and Demolition of an existing single storey brick building within the curtilage 2022-12-01 2020-09-17
BLR/BOS/004 BLR/BOS/004 Land off Woodthorpe Avenue, Boston yes 0.6 37 not owned by a public authority 2005-09-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(0.000317 52.97171) 32 dwellings completed, 5 outstanding. Construction of 17 two bedroom houses, 2 three bedroom houses, 10 one bedroom flats and 8 two bedroom flats. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/006 BLR/BOS/006 Land to the south of Main Ridge East, Boston 0.32 10 13 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.015638 52.977794) The site is identified as a housing allocation capable of providing 13 dwellings in the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Publication Version (March 2017), site ref no: Pil002.. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/017 BLR/BOS/017 2 Union Place, Boston yes 0.01 5 not owned by a public authority 2009-03-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.02756 52.981274) 1 dwelling completed, 4 under construction. Proposed alterations to create 5 self contained flats. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/018 BLR/BOS/018 Rear of 4-20 Sleaford Road, Boston yes 0.2 12 not owned by a public authority 2012-07-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.033883 52.976847) 10 dwellings completed, 2 under construction. Re-submission of application ref: B/12/0007 for the erection of 12 no. 1 bedroom flats fronting on to the private access road to the south east, plus associated hard and soft landscape works, lighting and boundary treatment. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/021 BLR/BOS/021 Land off Threadneedle Street/Mastins Court, Boston yes 0.06 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-07-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.020548 52.979225) 8 dwellings completed, 4 under construction. Erection of 12 No. dwellings including 6 No. two-storey eco-terrace houses, 1 No. block of five flats and 1 No. terrace unit. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/BOS/028 BLR/BOS/028 Fenside Manor, 17 Shaw Road, Boston yes 0.5 43 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.042119 52.986424) All 43 outstanding. Conversion of 29 existing residential elderly person sheltered accommodation together with redundant offices to 43 one and two person single dwelling units. Extension of car parking areas and external works. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20
BLR/SWI/002 BLR/SWI/002 Daggers Drawn, Station Road, Swineshead yes 0.15 6 not owned by a public authority 2014-03-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.166633 52.953066) All 6 under construction. Erection of 6 No. dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping. 2017-11-20 2017-11-20