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Buckinghamshire Council

Tree preservation order

reference name documentation-url document-url made-date confirmed-date notes organisation entry-date start-date end-date
6054 2024-10-03
6088 2024-10-03
5964 2024-10-03
5583 2024-10-03
5972 2024-10-03
5614 2024-10-03
5609 2024-10-03
5877 2024-10-03
5882 2024-10-03
5888 2024-10-03
286755 2024-10-03
286756 2024-10-03
288156 2024-10-03
305307 2024-10-03
307950 2024-10-03
5734 2024-10-03
268805 2024-10-03
5758 2024-10-03
6174 2024-10-03
276642 2024-10-03
289068 2024-10-03
5668 2024-10-03
5647 2024-10-03
6175 2024-10-03
5767 2024-10-03
5753 2024-10-03
5829 2024-10-03
5874 2024-10-03
273002 2024-10-03
282915 2024-10-03
382946 2024-10-03
388324 2024-10-03
392976 2024-10-03
406324 2024-10-03
286753 2024-10-03
288152 2024-10-03
360963 2024-10-03
370294 2024-10-03
371334 2024-10-03
280874 2024-10-03
382835 2024-10-03
384413 2024-10-03
307970 2024-10-03
317929 2024-10-03
346498 2024-10-03
360860 2024-10-03
360861 2024-10-03
373220 2024-10-03
276135 2024-10-03
279026 2024-10-03

Showing rows 1651 to 1700 of 1787