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West Lancashire Borough Council

Brownfield land

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  • 15 entries must have valid URIs
name reference site-address deliverable hazardous-substances hectares MinNetDwellings minimum-net-dwellings maximum-net-dwellings ownership-status planning-permission-date planning-permission-type planning-permission-history planning-permission-status site-plan-url point notes OrganisationLabel organisation entry-date start-date end-date
WL002 WL002 Former Hope High School, Tanhouse Road, Skelmersdale yes 1.8 27 owned by a public authority not permissioned

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POINT(-2.751925 53.544701) Site promoted through the SHELAA, it is partly covered by a policy EN3 (green / open recreational space) designation. However, the remainder of the site can be developed for residential development. Yield of 27 reflects the net developable area. 2017-10-26 2016-08-03
WL004 WL004 Land at Findon, Skelmersdale yes 3.34 104 not owned by a public authority 2017-11-10 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.771123 53.553449) Site had a Local Development Order: 2015/1328/LDO for up to 128 dwellings 'granted 15 March 2016. Planning permission granted for 104 dwellings granted November 2017. Under construction.. 104 dwelling houses including access and associated infrastructure 2020-12-23 2016-08-03
WL005 WL005 Site of Former Sports Centre, Digmoor Road, Skelmersdale yes 2.56 72 not owned by a public authority 2017-12-15 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.768379 53.541465) Local Development Order 2015/1327/LDO (45 dwellings) 'granted' 15 March 2016. Planning permission for 72 dwellings (2017/0665/FUL) granted permission 15 December 2017. Site under construction.. 72 dwelling houses including access and associated infrastructure. 2020-12-23 2016-08-03
WL006 WL006 Site of Former Greaves Hall Hospital, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks yes 10.26 128 not owned by a public authority 2014-06-27 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.91439 53.676507) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Outline consent granted 27 June 2014 ; reserved matters for 128 dwellings, light industrial units and associated road and infrastructure (2016/0706/ARM; approved 31 January 2019). Site under construction Dec 2020.. 128 dwellings, light industrial units and associated infrastructure. 2020-12-23 2016-08-04
WL007 WL007 Longreach Warpers Moss Lane, Burscough yes 0.51 2 not owned by a public authority 2017-03-28 Not permissioned

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POINT(-2.836296 53.607522) Site promoted through SHELAA and was granted outline planning permission (2013/0517/OUT) for 6 residential dwellings, then outline permission for 2 dwellings (2017/0103/OUT) granted 28/3/2017. Application to vary conditions (2017/0351/FUL) approved 31/5/2017. No subsequent reserved matters or renewal application submitted, so planning permission has lapsed. 2020-12-23 2016-08-04
WL008 WL008 Site of Former 111 Aughton Street, Ormskirk yes 0.26 6 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned

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POINT(-2.889392 53.564807) 2013/0975 (6 apartments / commercial units) expired Nov 2016; 2013/1002/OUT mixed use residential and office building withdrawn, so no planning permission. 2020-12-23 2016-08-04
WL010 WL010 Bull And Dog Inn, 5 Liverpool Road South, Burscough yes 0.27 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-06-21 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.862039 53.588021) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Planning application 2018/1115/OUT for 7 dwellings granted PP 21/6/2019; reserved matters application 2020/0842/ARM granted 11/12/2020.. Seven 2-storey semi-detached, detached and town houses, including details of access and layout. 2020-12-23 2016-08-04
WL012 WL012 Downholland Bridge Business Park, Mairscough Lane, Downholland yes 0.26 6 not owned by a public authority 2019-08-27 permissioned

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POINT(-2.958746 53.553569) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Outline permission for 6 dwellings (2015/0959/OUT) expired 06/11/2018; new application 2019/0481/OUT granted 27 August 2019 for 6 dwellings.. Construction of six dwellings following demolition of existing commercial premises [re-submission of application ref: 2015/0959/OUT] including details of access, layout and scale. 2020-12-23 2016-08-05
WL013 WL013 The Barrons 104 Church Road, Tarleton yes 0.76 7 not owned by a public authority 2015-11-16 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.829326 53.679616) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Full planning permission for 7 dwellings (2015/0951/FUL). Conditions discharged (2018/0545/CON) but not started.. 4 three-bedroom detached dwellings and 3 four-bedroom detached dwellings. 2020-12-23 2016-08-05
WL014 WL014 Land to the rear of 69-75 Town Green Lane, Aughton yes 0.23 4 not owned by a public authority 2019-09-10 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.905238 53.542832) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Outline planning permission for 5 dwellings (2015/1186/OUT). 2019/0648/ARM granted 10 September 2019.. Four detached dwellings including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. 2019-12-23 2016-08-05
WL015 WL015 The Almond Tree, Abbeystead, Digmoor, Skelmersdale yes 0.17 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-01-16 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.770818 53.540033) Site promoted through the SHELAA. Outline planning permission for 12 apartments (2015/0723/OUT) lapsed. 2017/1056 for 6 dwellings granted 16/1/2018. Discharge of conditions submitted (2018/0959/CON gr. 2/8/19 and 2019/0135/CON gr. 28/2/20; 2020/0134/VOC gr. 8/4/20).. Three pairs of two two-storey semi-detached dwellings (i.e. 6 dwellings overall). 2020-12-23 2016-08-05
WL028 WL028 The Comrades Club, Witham Road, Skelmersdale yes 0.1 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-02-18 full planning permission Not permissioned

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POINT(-2.805693 53.550898) Site promoted through SHELAA. Had full planning permission for 12 self contained flats (2013/0823/FUL, granted 18 Feb 2014) but this has expired.. Demolition of existing social club; replace with two 3 storey apartment blocks comprising 12 no. 2 bedroom self contained flats. 2020-12-23 2017-06-13
WL029 WL029 Land at The Stiles, Ormskirk yes 0.12 17 not owned by a public authority 2013-10-11 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.88653 53.568479) 2011/0148/FUL for 2 commercial units and 17 no. 3 bed aprtments, amenity space and car parking - expired. 2019/0329/FUL for 3 no. four storey blocks comprising mixed use and student accommodation, granted 10/9/2019.. Originally 17 residential units; now has permission for student accommodation. 2021-12-22 2017-06-13 2019-09-10
WL038 WL038 Former Silver Birch Hotel, Flordon, Birch Green, Skelmersdale yes 0.22 18 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-09 full planning permission Not permissioned

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POINT(-2.762776 53.553586) 2016/0832/FUL demolition of existing vacant commercial building and construction of mixed use development comprising 4 retail/commercial units and 18 self contained apartments with associated car parking and landscaping. Expired 9/12/2019.. Demolish vacant commercial building; mixed use development of 4 retail/commercial units and 18 self-contained apartments (expired 9/12/2019). 2019-12-23 2017-06-13
WL040 WL040 Garages to the east of Arnian Court, Molyneux Road, Skelmersdale yes 0.15 4 not owned by a public authority 2018-12-20 full planning permission permissioned

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POINT(-2.903018 53.542849) Site had permission for demolition of 31 lock-up garages and erection of 4 dwellings (2017/0185/OUT followed by 2017/1139/ARM, approved 20/12/2018).. 4 dwellings including details of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. 2019-12-23 2017-06-13

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